Banded Mongoose
Mungos mungo
Population size
Life Span
12 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
kg lbs 
cm inch 

The Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) is a mongoose species native from the Sahel to Southern Africa. While most mongoose species live solitary lives, the Banded mongoose lives in colonies with a complex social structure and forages in groups.


The Banded mongoose is a sturdy mongoose with a large head, small ears, short, muscular limbs, and a long tail, almost as long as the rest of the body. Animals of wetter areas are larger and darker colored than animals in dryer regions. The abdominal part of the body is higher and rounder than the breast area. The rough fur is grayish brown and black, and there are several dark brown to black horizontal bars across the back. The limbs and snout are darker, while the underparts are lighter than the rest of the body. Banded mongooses have long strong claws that allow them to dig in the soil. The nose color of banded mongoose varies from gray-brown to orange-red.



The Banded mongoose lives in sub-Saharan Africa as far north as Somalia and Sudan. Although it does occur in Gambia and Senegal, it is generally considered as rare in West Africa. It occupies a variety of habitats, including brush-land and grassland, but prefers wooded areas. It is not found in drier areas, such as semi-desert and desert habitats.

Banded Mongoose habitat map
Banded Mongoose habitat map
Banded Mongoose
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Habits and Lifestyle

The Banded mongoose is gregarious and diurnal, living in packs with 10 to 20 members. Packs usually remain together in a group in the same area, but forage individually. They may hunt together to kill larger prey, such as sand snakes. Their home range can measure 0.8 to 4 sq km, and they prefer to use an old termite mound as a den. A pack’s social organization seems to be matriarchal. Packs care for their young and also look after invalids and elderly, for example, by warning them about danger, grooming them, and giving them access to food. These animals are somewhat nomadic and will not inhabit one particular sheltering area or den for long, usually no more than several days or weeks. At a preferred location they may remain a little longer, and often will return to a favorite shelter site or den to re-use it repeatedly.

Diet and Nutrition

The Banded mongoose seems to be mainly insectivorous, feeding mostly on invertebrates, including centipedes, insects, lizards, snakes and frogs. They also eat fruit, roots, eggs and small rodents.

Mating Habits

2 months
2-6 pups
3 months
pup, mongopoe

Banded mongooses are polygynous. Several dominant males will typically mate with and guard the receptive females. These females have been observed, nonetheless, to escape their 'guards' and mate with subordinate males. This means they might also exhibit a polygynandrous (promiscuous) mating system, in which both males and females have multiple mates. Gestation is typically for two months and most females give birth to their pups on the same night. The litter sizes range from two to six, with pups being cared for by the group and permitted to suckle from any female that is lactating. During the first 4 weeks, pups are kept underground and are looked after by 1 - 3 adults. At 4 weeks old the pups are let out to go off on foraging trips, with each one accompanied by an 'escort' which helps them find food and protects them from danger. At the age of 3 months the young become nutritionally independent. Females reach maturity at about 9 to 10 months old, and males as soon as 4 months old.


Population threats

There are no particular threats facing Banded mongooses at present.

Population number

The Banded mongoose has a wide distribution range, is generally common in suitable habitat, but no overall population estimate is available. Currently this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) and its numbers today remain stable.

Ecological niche

Being insectivorous, these animals may affect insect populations in their range.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Banded mongoose dens are communal, usually consisting of a central sleeping area, or sometimes a few smaller chambers, and as many as nine different entrance holes.
  • These animals sometimes eat ticks off warthogs. This shows a 'symbiotic relationship', as the mongoose and the warthog both get something out of this association: the warthog gets cleaned and the mongoose has something to eat.
  • The word ‘mongoose’ is from the Marathi (Indian) ‘mangus’. The plural is not mongeese but mongooses, despite the British Scrabble Players Association proclaiming to the contrary.
  • Banded mongooses were introduced in the 19th century to the Hawaiian and Caribbean islands to control snake and rat populations but instead caused the extinction of many bird species.
  • Mongooses are very fast animals, and, in an encounter with a snake, they can dodge the snake’s strikes easily. When a mongoose hunts a snake, it uses a number of tricks, and when the snake eventually gets tired, it attacks and catches the snake by the back of the neck. The ability of the mongoose as a snake-killer has been highlighted in Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the story by Rudyard Kipling, in which a mongoose saves its family from the cobra.

Coloring Pages


1. Banded Mongoose Wikipedia article -
2. Banded Mongoose on The IUCN Red List site -

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