American Hog-Nosed Skunk

American Hog-Nosed Skunk

Rooter skunk

Conepatus leuconotus
Population size
Life Span
7-8 years
kg lbs 
cm inch 

The American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus ) is a species of hog-nosed skunk from Central and North America, and is one of the largest skunks in the world, growing to lengths of up to 2.7 feet (82 cm). Recent work has concluded the western hog-nosed skunk (formerly Conepatus mesoleucus ) is the same species, and Conepatus leuconotus is the correct name of the merged populations. In Texas, it is commonly known as the rooter skunk for its habit of rooting and overturning rocks and debris in search of food.


The distinguishing feature of the American hog-nosed skunk is it has a single, broad white stripe from the top of the head to the base of the tail, and the tail itself is completely white. It is the only skunk that lacks a white dot or medial bar between the eyes and has primarily black body fur. The American hog-nosed skunk has stocky legs and plantigrade feet (the entire sole of the foot touches the ground). Its hind feet are broad and large with soles that are naked for about one-half their length. Its upper body is powerfully built, and the fore claws are very long. Males of this species are slightly larger than females.



American hog-nosed skunks are found from the southern United States into northern Nicaragua. They live in canyons, stream sides, and rocky terrain. In Mexico, they occur in open desert-scrub and mesquite-grasslands, tropical areas, mountains, coastal plains, cornfields surrounded by brushland or adjacent to grassy plains and thickets of bull-horn acacia, thorn woodland, and riparian forests, characterized by live-oaks, pecans, sycamores, and Texas persimmons and an understory of briars, grasses, and weeds. These skunks have been also found in pine-oak forest and in scrub and cacti. In Kleberg County, Texas, they occur in mesquite-brushland, pastures, and native grassland.

American Hog-Nosed Skunk habitat map

Climate zones

American Hog-Nosed Skunk habitat map
American Hog-Nosed Skunk
Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

Habits and Lifestyle

American hog-nosed skunks are solitary creatures and may be seen with other individuals only during the breeding season. They are nocturnal and during the day rest in their dens, that can be located underground, in rock crevices, hollow logs, or in caves. American hog-nosed skunks are capable climbers. They are well-adapted for digging and resemble badgers rather than other species of skunks in this respect. They have an acute sense of smell and use their nose in locating and capturing buried prey. Like all skunk species, they have powerful anal glands that spray bad-smelling oily musk used to deter would-be attackers.

Group name
Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

American hog-nosed skunks are omnivorous animals. They feed primarily on insects and vegetation, and will also take small mammals, reptiles and fruits.

Mating Habits

late February-early March
60 days
1-5 kits
2 months

Little is known about the mating system in American hog-nosed skunks; however, skunks are generally polygynous and during the breeding season one male mates with several females. These skunks usually breed from late February through early March; most adult females are pregnant by the end of March. The litter size is 1 to 5 young, although 2 to 4 are most common. The gestation period lasts about 60 days. Births usually occur in April and May. The kits are altricial; they are born with eyes closed but can crawl around the den. They are weaned at 2 months of age, and by late August begin to disperse. Young American hog-nosed skunks generally reach reproductive maturity and begin to breed when they are 10-12 months old.


Population threats

American hog-nosed skunks are not globally threatened but at the local level, these animals are considered threatened in some states. They suffer from the loss, degradation, and fragmentation of their habitat, roadkill, and the use of pesticides in pests and predators control.

Population number

The IUCN Red List and other sources don’t provide the number of the American hog-nosed skunk total population size. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List but its numbers today are decreasing.

Ecological niche

American hog-nosed skunks play a very important role in their ecosystem. Due to their digging habits, these animals help to aerate the soil and also control populations of insects, their main prey item.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • In Texas, the American hog-nosed skunk is commonly known as the Rooter skunk for its habit of rooting and overturning rocks and debris in search of food.
  • The American hog-nosed skunk is sometimes considered a pest by crop farmers due to their rooting habits, however, in fact, these animals generally prefer insects to agricultural plants.
  • Skunks are not afraid of snake bites as they are immune to snake venom.
  • Before spraying its bad-smelling musk, a skunk will always give a warning a sign; it will turn its back to the attacker, make a hiss and stamp its feet.

Coloring Pages


1. American Hog-Nosed Skunk on Wikipedia -
2. American Hog-Nosed Skunk on The IUCN Red List site -
3. American hog-nosed skunk illustration -

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