Asiatic buffalo, Wild water buffalo, Asian buffalo, Wild asian buffalo
The Asian wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) is among the heaviest living wild bovid species. It is the most likely ancestor of the domestic water buffalo.
The Asian wild water buffalo has an ash-gray to black skin. The moderately long, coarse, and sparse hair is directed forward from the haunches to the long and narrow head. There is a tuft on the forehead, and the ears are comparatively small. Both sexes carry horns that are heavy at the base and widely spreading up to 2 m (79 in) along the outer edges, exceeding in size the horns of any other living bovid. The tip of the tail is bushy; the hooves are large and splayed.
Availability of water is a vital life condition for the Wild water buffalo. The area of their distribution includes south-eastern Nepal, southern Bhutan, western Thailand, eastern Cambodia, and south-western Vietnam. Buffaloes in Vietnam usually come from the Mondulkiri region of neighboring Cambodia. The Wild water buffalo are also widely distributed over northern, eastern, and central regions of Myanmar. Habitat of wild water buffaloes includes swamps, flooded grasslands, other wetlands, alluvial plains, and densely vegetated river valleys while forests serve them as shelter.
These are diurnal and nocturnal animals, usually grazing in the mornings and evenings. Throughout the year, they congregate into maternal groups of herds that are not strictly controlled and organized. The number of individuals within a group can be 10-20, sometimes reaching even 100. The home range of each group is 170 to 1,000 ha (0.66 to 3.86 sq mi) of territory with water sources and areas for grazing and resting. Adult males congregate into bachelor herds, containing up to 10 individuals, while older males prefer leading a solitary life. To keep cool in the heat of the day, buffaloes roll in the mud and take mud baths. Not only does the mud help them keep cool, but it also protects their skin from bites by insects. In the absence of mud, they usually rest in shadowy places.
Wild water buffaloes are herbivorous (folivorous, graminivorous) animals Their regular diet includes aquatic plants, crops, grasses, herbs, leaves, and bark of trees. They feed on aquatic vegetation that grows in marshy areas and along rivers and also eat microalgae and stems.
Asian wild water buffaloes are polygynous, meaning that one male mates with multiple females. The dominant male mates with females of the clan, after which the male is driven away by them. The breeding season usually takes place from October to November. The gestation period lasts 11 months, after which a single calf is born. A newborn calf weighs 35-40 kilograms on average. Calves are nursed for 6-9 months, becoming independent during the first 2 years after birth. Male buffaloes reach reproductive maturity at the age of 1.5 years while females do at the age of 3 years.
Threats to the Asian wild water buffalo population are many: parasites and diseases, usually transmitted by livestock; hunting; loss of habitat; interbreeding of wild buffaloes with domestic and feral buffaloes; competition for water and food between buffaloes and domestic livestock.
According to the IUCN Red List, the overall population of the Asian wild water buffalo is not more than 4,000 individuals, including 2,500 mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List, and its numbers today are decreasing.