Demoiselle Crane
Grus virgo
Population size
230-261 Thou
Life Span
25-65 years
kg lbs 
cm inch 
cm inch 
cm inch 

The Demoiselle crane (Grus virgo) is the smallest of crane species. Its graceful appearance has led to numerous comparisons with beautiful women. This bird is symbolically significant in the culture of India, where it is known as Koonj or Kurjaa.


The Demoiselle crane is slightly smaller than the Common crane but has similar plumage. It has a long white neck stripe and the black on the foreneck extends down over the chest in a plume. The head of the Demoiselle crane is covered in feathers, and it lacks the bare red patches of skin very common in other Gruidae species.




Demoiselle cranes breed in Central Eurasia, from the Black Sea to North East China and Mongolia. It winters in the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa. There are isolated populations in Turkey and North Africa in the Atlas Mountains. This species frequents open shrubby plains, steppes, savannahs and various grasslands, often near water: streams, lakes or wetlands. It can be found in semi-desert and deserts if water is available. During winter it uses cultivated parts of India and roosts in wetlands nearby. For African wintering grounds, it chooses thorny savannah with acacias, close wetlands and grasslands.

Habits and Lifestyle

Demoiselle cranes are both solitary and social in behavior. Aside from the basic activities of eating, sleeping, walking, etc., they are solitary when carrying out preening, bathing shaking, scratching, stretching, ruffling, and feather painting. They are active during the day, when they forage, preen, nest, and look after their young when it is the breeding season. In the non-breeding season, they socialize within flocks. During the night, they rest securely on one leg while their head and neck is tucked under or on a shoulder. These cranes are migratory birds, travelling long distances from their breeding to their wintering grounds. From August to September, they gather in flocks of as many as 400 individuals and then migrate to the winter range. During March and April, they fly back north to the nesting grounds. The flocks on the return migration number only 4 to 10 birds. Throughout the breeding season, they feed alongside up to seven others.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

Demoiselle cranes are omnivores, they mainly eat the seeds of grasses as well as cereal grains. They also eat insects such as Coleopteran, as well as lizards, worms and small vertebrates.

Mating Habits

from April-May to late June in the north
27-29 days
55-65 days
2 eggs

Demoiselle cranes are monogamous, with a pair staying together for their whole lives. The breeding season is from April-May, extending to late June in the north of the range. These birds nest on dry ground or gravel, as well as in cultivated areas or in open areas of grass. A pair becomes territorial and aggressive, and will defend their nesting area, sometimes luring a predator away from the nest through a type of “broken-wing” display. 2 eggs are laid directly on the ground. Sometimes vegetation or small stones are gathered by the parents to provide protection and camouflage, but the nest itself is always a minimal composition. Incubation is for about 27-29 days, by both adults. Their downy chicks are gray with a pale brownish head, and otherwise grayish-white. Both parents feed them, and they follow their parents to the foraging areas nearby very soon after hatching. At about 55-65 days they fledge, at 10 months they become independent and can usually breed at 4-8 years old.


Population threats

Currently, populations of these cranes are not endangered. However, in some parts of their range they are considered a crop-pest, as they do damage crops, and are poisoned or shot for this reason. They are also threatened by drainage of wetlands and habitat loss, and suffer hunting pressure. Some are killed for sport or food, and there is an illegal pet trade in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Habitat degradation occurs in steppes across the range, and also in the wintering grounds and along migration routes.

Population number

The IUCN Red List states that the total number of Demoiselle cranes is about 230,000-261,000 individuals. Meanwhile, in Europe this species’ population is estimated between 9,700 and 13,300 pairs (19,400-26,500 mature individuals). In China there are about 100-10,000 breeding pairs, with 50-1,000 birds on migration. Overall, currently this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) and its numbers today are increasing.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • The French Queen Marie Antoinette named this bird for its delicate appearance.
  • Demoiselle cranes perform beautiful ritual displays in courtship as well as in social behavior. These dances consist of coordinated bows, runs, jumps, and tossing of plant material in the air. This species’ dances are generally more energetic than those of larger species and can be viewed as “more ballet-like” in comparison with those cranes of the genus “Grus”, which have less theatrical postures.
  • Cranes have always motivated expression through art, legend, mythology, and artifacts - always evoking a strong emotional response. They also have a predominant place in religion, appearing in petroglyphs, pictographs, and ceramics. They have a strong presence in the art from ancient Egyptian tombs
  • Cranes have various significance given to them in different cultures, such as watchfulness, steadiness, mutual aid, happiness, longevity, and maternal bliss, as well as good luck.
  • Demoiselle cranes sometimes travel huge distances without landing to feed or rest.


1. Demoiselle Crane Wikipedia article -
2. Demoiselle Crane on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -
4. Video creator -

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