

Hedge accentor, Hedge sparrow, Hedge warbler

Prunella modularis
Population size
25-44 Mlnlnn
Life Span
2 years
g oz 
cm inch 
cm inch 

The dunnock (Prunella modularis) is a small passerine, or perching bird. It is the most widespread member of the accentor family.


The dunnock has a drab appearance which may have evolved to avoid predation. It is brownish underneath and has a fine-pointed bill. Adults have a grey head, and both sexes are similarly colored. Unlike any similar-sized small brown bird, dunnocks frequently flick with their wings, especially during territorial disputes or when competing for mating rights. This gives rise to one of their common names, "shufflewing".


Climate zones

Dunnock habitat map
Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

Habits and Lifestyle

Dunnocks are active during the day typically feeding on the ground. They are usually seen alone, but sometimes, may join foraging flocks. Dunnocks are territorial, especially during the breeding season, and may engage in conflict with other birds that encroach upon their nests. Males sometimes share a territory and exhibit a strict dominance hierarchy; older birds tend to be the dominant males and first-year birds are usually sub-dominant. Female territorial ranges are almost always exclusive. However, sometimes, multiple males may cooperate to defend a single territory containing multiple females. The main call of dunnocks is a shrill, persistent 'tseep' along with a high trilling note, which betrays the bird's otherwise inconspicuous presence. The song is rapid, thin, and tinkling, a sweet warble that can be confused with that of the Eurasian wren but is shorter and weaker.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

Dunnocks are carnivores (insectivores) and herbivores (granivores). They feed mainly on seeds, small insects, and their larvae, spiders, worms, and small caterpillars.

Mating Habits

March-July, May-August in Russia
12-13 days
3-5 eggs

Dunnocks have variable mating systems. Females are often polyandrous, breeding with two or more males at once, which is quite rare among birds. Other mating systems also exist, depending on the ratio of male to females and the overlap of territories. When only one female and one male territory overlap, birds will form monogamous pairs. Sometimes, two or three adjacent female territories overlap one male territory, and so polygyny is favored, with the male monopolizing several females. Polygynandry also exists, in which two males jointly defend a territory containing several females. Polyandry, though, is the most common mating system of dunnocks found in nature. Dunnocks typically breed between March and July, however, in Russia, their breeding season occurs from May to August. These birds prefer to build their nests low in a bush or conifer. The nest is made from twigs and moss and lined with soft materials such as wool or feathers. The female lays 3 to 5 unspotted blue eggs and incubates them for about 12-13 days. The chicks hatch partially covered with blackish down and remain in the nest for about 12 days. Broods, depending on the population, can be raised by a lone female, multiple females with the part-time help of a male, multiple females with full-time help from a male, or by multiple females and multiple males. In pairs, males and females usually invest parental care at similar rates.


Population threats

There are no major threats to the dunnock at present.

Population number

According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of the dunnock is 25,000,000-43,999,999 mature individuals. In Europe, the breeding population consists of 12,700,000-21,800,000 pairs, which equates to 25,400,000-43,500,000 mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List but its numbers today are decreasing.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • The name 'dunnock' comes from the English 'dun' (dingy brown, dark-colored) and the diminutive 'ock'.
  • One of the other common names of the dunnock is 'hedge accentor' where 'accentor' is a Latin word and means a person who sings with another.
  • Dunnocks were successfully introduced into New Zealand during the 19th century, and are now widely distributed around the country and some offshore islands.


1. Dunnock on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunnock
2. Dunnock on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22718651/132118966
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/707434
4. Video creator - https://avibirds.com

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