Endemic Animals of Sudan

Red Sea cliff swallow
The Red Sea cliff swallow (Petrochelidon perdita ), also known as the Red Sea swallow, is a species of bird in the family Hirundinidae.
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Red Sea cliff swallow
Grey-backed camaroptera
The grey-backed camaroptera (Camaroptera brevicaudata ) is a small bird in the family Cisticolidae. This bird is a resident breeder in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Recent studies suggest this species and the green-backed camaroptera may be the same species. This skulking passerine is typically found low in dense cover. The grey-backed camaroptera binds large leaves together low in a bush and builds a grass nest within the leaves. The ...
normal clutch is two or three eggs.This 11.5 cm (4.5 in) long warbler has grey upper parts and a grey short cocked tail. The wings are olive and the underparts whitish grey. The sexes are similar, but juveniles are paler yellow on the breast.Like most warblers, grey-backed camaroptera is insectivorous. The call is a whining sheee...sheee, and the song is a crisp twik twik twik twik twik.The grey-backed camaroptera was described by the German physician and zoologist Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar in 1830 under the binomial name Sylvia brevicaudata. The type locality is the former province of Kurdufan in Sudan. The specific epithet brevicaudata is from Latin brevis for "short" and caudatus for "-tailed". There are 11 recognised subspecies.
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Grey-backed camaroptera
Pyxicephalus cordofanus
Pyxicephalus cordofanus, also known as Rana cordofana, is a possible species of frog. It is a nomen dubium, a name of unknown application. Franz Steindachner, who described the species in 1867, specified neither a holotype nor syntypes. The syntypes are believed to be at the Natural History Museum, Vienna (NHMW), possibly including the specimen NHMW 2673. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists it as "data deficient", citing ...
"continuing doubts as to its taxonomic validity, extent of occurrence, status and ecological requirements".
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Pyxicephalus cordofanus
Agag gerbil
The Agag gerbil (Gerbillus agag ) is distributed mainly in southern Mauritania to northern Nigeria and Sudan. IUCN lists the junior synonyms Gerbillus cosensi and G. dalloni as critically endangered.
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Agag gerbil
Botta's gerbil
Botta's gerbil (Dipodillus bottai ) is a species of gerbil endemic to Sudan and possibly northern Kenya. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, it was listed as Least Concern in 1996 until it was listed as Data Deficient in 2004. According to a 2013 book, it is known from a few specimens taken from four or five localities in a small area between the rivers White Nile and Blue Nile; its habitat is fields of vegetables ...
and cereals. Aside from this information, nothing else is known about the species including its population and threats.
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Botta's gerbil
Burton's gerbil
Burton's gerbil (Gerbillus burtoni ) is distributed mainly in Darfur, Sudan. Less than 250 individuals of this species of rodent are thought to persist in the wild. It may have been named after Edward Burton, who had the gerbil in his menagerie, obtained from Darfur and described by Frédéric Cuvier.
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Burton's gerbil
Principal gerbil
The principal gerbil (Gerbillus principulus ) is a species of gerbil distributed mainly in Sudan; Jebel Meidob; El Malha. Fewer than 250 individuals of this species are thought to persist in the wild.
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Principal gerbil
Darfur gerbil
The Darfur gerbil (Gerbillus muriculus ) is distributed mainly in western Sudan.
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Darfur gerbil
Khartoum gerbil
The Khartoum gerbil (Dipodillus stigmonyx ) is found mainly in Sudan.
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Khartoum gerbil
Arid thicket rat
The arid thicket rat (Grammomys aridulus ) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae.It is found only in Sudan.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry shrubland. This species is currently listed on the "Nearly Threatened" list in its ranking of endangerment. Offspring of this species are commonly referred to as "kittens" or "pups". The female is referred to as a "doe", while the male is referred to as a "buck". These creatures ...
commonly roam in groups, called a "horde", "pack", or "storm".
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Arid thicket rat
Dongola gerbil
The Dongola gerbil ( Gerbillus dongolanus ) is a rodent distributed mainly in Dongola, Sudan.It is sometimes considered conspecific with the greater Egyptian gerbil.
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Dongola gerbil
Lowe's gerbil
Lowe's gerbil (Dipodillus lowei ) is distributed mainly in Sudan; Jebel Marra. Less than 250 individuals of this species are thought to persist in the wild.
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Lowe's gerbil
Hoogstraal's striped grass mouse
Hoogstraal's lemniscomys or Hoogstraal's striped grass mouse (Lemniscomys hoogstraali ) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is known only from the type specimen collected in 1961 at Paloich, north of Niayok, South Sudan.Its descriptive common name is based on its striped markings and its natural habitat in moist savanna. The specific epithet honors entomologist and parasitologist Dr. Harry Hoogstraal.
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Hoogstraal's striped grass mouse