Endemic Animals of Czechia

Citron-crested cockatoo
The citron-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata ) is a medium-sized cockatoo with an orange crest, dark grey beak, pale orange ear patches, and strong feet and claws. The underside of the larger wing and tail feathers have a pale yellow color. The eyelid color is a very light blue. Both sexes are similar. Females have a coppered colored eye where as the male has a very dark black eye.The smallest of the yellow-crested cockatoo ...
subspecies, it is endemic to Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. The diet consists mainly of seeds, buds, fruits, nuts and herbaceous plants.I'm 2022, Birdlife International recognized the citron-crested cockatoo as a separate species, Cacatua citrinocristata.
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Citron-crested cockatoo
Picavus litencicensis is an extinct bird in the order Piciformes. It existed during the Rupelian (early Oligocene) in what is now the Czech Republic. It was described by Gerald Mayr and Růžena Gregorová in 2012, and is the only species in the family Picavidae.
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Chamaeleo caroliquarti
Chamaeleo caroliquarti is an extinct species of chameleon from Lower Miocene-aged strata of the Czech Republic. C. caroliquarti is the oldest known representative of Chamaeleo, and, if the middle Paleocene-aged Anqingosaurus is not a chameleon, the oldest known chameleon.
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Chamaeleo caroliquarti