Our story

In 2015, we decided to create a simple, accessible to anyone, visually appealing yet comprehensive online animal encyclopedia for all ages.
160k photos
35k animals
2.2k lists
38 collections
13 languages
1 child project

Who we are

We are IT professionals and animal enthusiasts. Our development partner is Reflex.com.ua

Our content

We spent years making high-quality content from reputable sources dedicated to animals and continue doing it.
Did you find a mistake on the site?
It happens, unfortunately. Let us know, but be patient as we cross-check users' suggestions with sources and don’t necessarily change our content if a suggestion is not confirmed.
Want to use our content?
All the texts on the site are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. For the photo please check the credentials of respective authors. The vast majority of photos are also available under different versions of Creative Commons licenses.
How to contact us
We read your emails

Remember to support Ukraine

The main thing about us to remember is that we can continue doing what we do only because the Armed Forces of Ukraine is fighting every day on the front line against cruel, unprovoked, and genocidal Russian aggression. Don’t forget to support Ukraine.
Donate any amount to
Come Back Alive provides defense forces with the necessary kit. Superhumans help rehabilitate wounded and traumatized, both soldiers and civilians.