Tait, Noolbenger
The honey possum or noolbenger (Tarsipes rostratus ), is a tiny species of marsupial that feeds on the nectar and pollen of a diverse range of flowering plants. Found in southwest Australia, it is an important pollinator for such plants as Banksia attenuata, Banksia coccinea and Adenanthos cuneatus.
This marsupial is one of the smallest possums in the world with a prominent snout and a long tongue, allowing the animal to take in nectar and pollen. The animal has a rather unusual appearance. The toes of the Honey possum are equipped with sharp claws, helping the animal stick to leaves and bark of trees. As a matter of fact, floral abundance and diversity is an important life condition for the Honey possum: the animal wouldn't survive without enough amount of nectar. Both hind and front feet of the animal are perfectly designed for climbing trees as well as moving through the undergrowth at high speed.
This marsupial is endemic to the south-western tip of Western Australia. They can often be found in coastal-sand plain heathlands with a wide variety of plant communities, meanwhile favoring banksia woodlands with abundance of flowering plants.
Honey possums are social animals, forming small groups, which consist of 10 or more individuals. Home ranges of honey possums are small, often overlapping with each other. Meanwhile, breeding females have isolated home ranges in order to keep away from conspecifics while having their offspring. Although normally being nocturnal or crepuscular, these possums are known to emerge from their shelters to feed during the daytime hours, if the weather is cool. At other times, they mainly sleep by day in their shelters, which are typically rock crannies, cavities in trees, hollows inside of grass trees or abandoned bird nests. Honey possums are excellent climbers as well as fast runners, when on the ground. When the weather gets cold or food is scarce, they may undergo periods of hibernation, during which their metabolic rate and body temperature lower.
In spite of the common name of this species, Honey possums do not feed upon honey. As herbivorous (nectarivorous) animals, they consume nectar and pollen of flowering plants. These marsupials especially favor flowers of the genus Banksia, which have large heads, rich with nectar and blooming year-round.
Honey possums are polyandrous, which means that one female mates with two or more males. In general, breeding occurs from May to June and from September to October. Gestation period in this species lasts for 28 days, yielding 2 - 4 young, which remain in the pouch of their mother for 60 days. By the end of this period, young possums have open eyes and are covered with fur, which means that they are ready to come out of the pouch. Once they emerge, the mother leaves her offspring in a secluded place such as a hollow in a tree, in order to forage and feed herself. Within a few days, young possums are able to travel with their mother by clinging onto her back. After a short while, they become too heavy to be carried by their mother, and the female stops nursing her offspring at about 11 weeks. Then the young disperse and begin making their own homes, reaching sexual maturity by 6 months old.
Although there no notable threats to the population of this species, honey possums are exposed to bushfires, which could result in loss of their natural habitat. In addition, predators such as foxes or feral cats may cause population decline of these animals. Living in humid habitat, honey possums are affected by water mold, leading to plant pathogens and thus decreasing the amount of available food.
According to IUCN, the Honey possum is locally common and widespread throughout its range but no overall population estimate is available. However, this species is currently classified as Least Concern (LC), and its numbers are stable.
Honey possums play a big role in the ecosystem they live in. Due to feeding upon nectar of various flowering plants, they serve as pollinators for these species. Honey possums are key pollinators for their favorite flower - nodding banksia, which grows on the southern coast of Western Australia. They also serve as prey for local predators (barn owls, red foxes, feral cats).