Purple-backed sunbeam
Aglaeactis aliciae

The purple-backed sunbeam (Aglaeactis aliciae ) is a bird species in the family Trochilidae. It is found only in Peru.

Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland and plantations. It is threatened by habitat loss.

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It was formerly classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. But new research has shown that although hardly any natural habitat is left, this species is still a bit more numerous than it was believed. Consequently, it is downlisted to Endangered status in 2008 and once again to Vulnerable in 2020.

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Biogeographical realms

The purple-backed sunbeam is known to live in the temperate zone (2,900-3,500 m) where plant life consists of mountain shrubs and Alnus trees. It feeds on mistletoe alders and other trees, such as Tristerix longebrachteatum, and in patches of flowering uñico, Oreocallis grandiflora. It has also recently been reported to feed and settle in the newly introduced Eucalyptus trees, however, the species' level of tolerance of Eucalyptus plantations (specifically as breeding habitat) is yet to be determined. There are no definite conservation procedures for the purple-backed sunbeam. Additional research is needed to examine the species’ ecological requirements, so that the suitability of Eucalyptus plantations can be assessed.

Purple-backed sunbeam habitat map


Purple-backed sunbeam habitat map
Purple-backed sunbeam
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Habits and Lifestyle

The unique shoulder structure of hummingbirds allows the wings to beat tremendously fast in a figure eight motion, allowing the birds to maintain a hovering motion at the same time as feeding, with up to 200 wing beats per second. Due to this highly energetic behavior, hummingbirds feed almost solely on nectar (carbohydrate-rich sugar secretions of plants), feeding on as many as 1,000 to 2,000 flowers a day. Hummingbirds have the highest oxygen necessity of any vertebrate, and due to this, have a breathing rate of up to 500 breaths per minute, as well as distinctively formed lungs. These physiological variations have permitted hummingbirds to occupy a diverse group of habitats and elevations throughout the Americas. There is limited information about the precise biology of the purple-backed sunbeam. However, it has been seen feeding on the orange-red flowers of parasitic mistletoe on Alnus trees, by using its specialized bill and long, sensitive tongue to derive the nectar. Like with most other hummingbirds, the purple-backed sunbeam is said to be solitary, and insistently territorial. Males mate with several females, but have no part in raising the offspring. The female is solely responsible for nest-building, incubation, and nurturing the hatchlings. The purple-backed sunbeam's nest has never been seen, but it is believed that the species build nests close to a nectar source, on branches hidden from direct sunlight. In most hummingbirds, two oval-shaped eggs are laid, which are incubated for around 16 to 19 days. The chicks remain in the nest between 23 and 26 days after hatching.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition


Population threats

The greatest threat to the purple-backed sunbeam is the transfer of Alnus dominated shrub land to Eucalyptus plantations. This transfer involves the removal of the parasitic mistletoe on which it feeds. The species’ limited range also makes it susceptible to the effects of natural events, such as disease and drought. Historically, the Maranon River landscape has experienced high levels of habitat renovation from cultivation, and much of the original natural habitat has been lost, or continues to be degraded. Cattle ranching, logging and firewood collecting has taken away much of the forest habitat, while oil mining is a latent future concern.


1. Purple-backed sunbeam Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple-backed_sunbeam
2. Purple-backed sunbeam on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22687794/172262597
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/189624

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