Rock Hyrax

Rock Hyrax

Rock dassie, Dassie, Rock badger, Cape hyrax

Procavia capensis
Population size
Life Span
12 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
kg lbs 
cm inch 

The Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) is a medium-sized terrestrial mammal native to Africa and the Middle East. It is also commonly referred to in South Africa as the dassie. These cute animals are the only extant terrestrial afrotherians in the Middle East. Along with other hyrax species and the sirenians, Rock hyraxes are the most closely related to the elephant.


The Rock hyrax is an unusual creature that lacks tail. The coat of this animal is dense and varies greatly in color. However, the upper parts of the hyrax are usually brownish-grey, whereas the underparts are lighter. On its back, the Rock hyrax exhibits a characteristic marking, colored in black, yellow, or orange. Underneath this patch, the animal has a special gland, giving off a specific odor. The hyrax also possesses moist and rubber-like foot soles, allowing it to easily grasp objects when climbing steep rocks of its range.




The natural range of Rock hyrax covers a huge territory, including most of sub-Saharan Africa (except for the Congo basin and Madagascar) and northeastern Africa, stretching eastwards to the western and southern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula. The preferred habitat of this species is arid areas such as deserts, savannas, and scrub forests as well as rocky terrains with moderate vegetation. Rock hyraxes typically favor places with abundant rock crevices and cavities, since the latter are used as shelters.

Rock Hyrax habitat map
Rock Hyrax habitat map
Rock Hyrax
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Habits and Lifestyle

The Rock hyraxes are highly sociable animals, forming groups of 2-26 individuals. These colonies usually consist of one breeding male and multiple adult females with their young. Occasionally, subordinate males can be observed in these groups. Although they are generally active by day, these animals have also been known to be active and communicate through calls during moonlit nights. Coming out of their shelters, they take sunbaths for 1-2 hours in order to warm up. Rock hyraxes start foraging by afternoon. During overcast, rainy, or cold days, these animals rarely come out of their shelters. Meanwhile, they tend to remain in shady sites during extremely hot days. As grazers, hyraxes feed on the ground, sometimes climbing trees to feed on fresh leaves. They feed in groups, where the breeding male or a female always stands guard on a high rock or tree branch: once a threat is detected, the animal emits a sharp barking call, which acts as an alarm, after which members of the group flee to their shelters. Rock hyraxes use a wide variety of vocalizations to communicate with conspecifics. These include whistles, mews, high-pitched tones, shrieks, and other sounds, which serve group members as a form of daily communication or alarm when threatened.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Rock hyraxes are omnivorous animals. They mainly consume herbs, grasses, fruit, and leaves, supplementing their diet with small lizards, insects, and eggs of birds, caught when sunbathing on local rocks.

Mating Habits

in Israel: August-September, in Kenya: August-November
202-245 days
1-6 babies
3 months
hyrax baby, pup

Rock hyraxes have a polygynous mating system, where one male mates with 3-7 females, controlling them in a territory of up to 4000 square meters. Breeding occurs depending on geographical location. Thus, the population in Israel mates in August-September, whereas those in Kenya typically mate in August-November. The gestation period lasts for 202-245 days, yielding 1-6 babies in a rocky crevice. Newly born young are well-developed, starting to move around with ease by the second day of their lives. At 3-4 days old, they are ready to eat food, whereas solid food is included in their diet during the first 2 weeks. Weaning occurs at 3 months old. The age of reproductive maturity for this species is 16 months old. However, young hyraxes attain their adult size and weight only after 3 years old.


Population threats

The Rock hyraxes currently face habitat loss across much of their original range due to land clearing for agriculture as well as increased development of human settlements. In many areas of its range, the Rock hyraxes are considered pests due to damaging crops. As a result, in South Africa, there have been campaigns, intended to cull this species. In other areas such as Egypt, these animals are hunted for their meat.

Population number

According to IUCN, the Rock hyrax is abundant in some areas and widely but no overall population estimate is available. However, this species is currently classified as Least Concern (LC) and its numbers remain stable.

Ecological niche

As a key herbivore of its range, the Rock hyrax controls the growth of local vegetation. In addition, this animal is an important prey species for leopards, wild dogs, raptors, and other predators.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • The eye shape of the Rock hyrax is rather unusual: the iris projects from the pupil of the eye, acting as a built-in sun visor due to limiting the flow of light to the eye from above.
  • The Rock hyrax is also known as 'Dassie', originating from 'das' - a Dutch word, which means 'badger'.
  • This species has a number of nicknames such as Rock rabbit, pimbi, stone badger, coney, and klipdas.
  • Million years ago, these animals were key herbivores of their range, by which time they were the size of contemporary tapirs.
  • Hyraxes are even mentioned in the Bible, where these animals are called 'conies'.
  • As a matter of fact, their incisors are small tusks.


1. Rock Hyrax Wikipedia article -
2. Rock Hyrax on The IUCN Red List site -

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