Siberian Lynx

Siberian Lynx

East Siberian lynx


Lynx lynx wrangeli
Population size
Life Span
15 years

The Siberian lynx (Lynx lynx wrangeli) is a subspecies of Eurasian lynx living in the Russian Far East. It is the second most common subspecies of the Eurasian lynx.


Generally, Siberian lynxes have a similar appearance to Eurasian lynxes. They have relatively short, reddish, or brown coats marked with black spots that number and pattern are highly variable. The underparts, neck, and chin are whitish. In winter, the fur is much thicker and varies from silver-grey to greyish-brown. Some animals have dark brown stripes on the forehead and back. Eurasian lynxes have powerful, relatively long legs, with large webbed and furred paws that act like snowshoes. They also have a short "bobbed" tail with an all-black tip, black tufts of hair on their ears, and a long grey-and-white ruff.



Siberian lynxes occur in the Stanovoy Range and east of the Yenisei River in extended temperate and boreal forests.


Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

Little information is available about the behavior of Siberian lynxes. Generally, Eurasian lynxes are nocturnal or crepuscular animals and spend the day sleeping in dense thickets or other places of concealment. However, they may hunt during the day when food is scarce. Adult lynxes are typically solitary and have hunting areas that can be anything from 20 to 450 km2 (7.7 to 173.7 sq mi), depending on the local availability of prey. Males tend to hunt over much larger areas than females, which tend to occupy exclusive, rather than overlapping, hunting ranges. Eurasian lynxes can travel up to 20 km (12 mi) during one night looking for prey. They patrol regularly throughout all parts of their hunting range, using scent marks to indicate their presence to other individuals. Eurasian lynxes are ambush predators but also hunt by stalking, sneaking, and jumping on prey using both vision and hearing. They often climb onto high rocks or fallen trees to scan the surrounding area. Eurasian lynxes are generally silent outside of the breeding season. They have been observed to mew, hiss, growl, and purr, and, like domestic cats, will "chatter" at prey that is just out of reach. Mating calls are much louder, consisting of deep growls in the male, and loud "meow-like" sounds in the female. Eurasian lynxes are secretive, and because the sounds they make are very quiet and seldom heard, their presence in an area may go unnoticed for years.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Siberian lynxes are carnivores and within their native range, their main prey is the Siberian roe deer.

Mating Habits

67-74 days
2-3 kittens
10 months

Information about the reproductive habits and time of breeding of Siberian lynxes is scarce. In general, Eurasian lynxes are polygynous meaning that one male mates with more than one female during the breeding season. Gestation typically lasts 67-74 days. Pregnant females construct dens in secluded locations, often protected by overhanging branches or tree roots. The dens they line with feathers, deer hair, and dry grass to provide bedding for the young. Females usually have 2 kittens, rarely 3. At birth, kittens weigh 240 to 430 g (8.5 to 15.2 oz) and open their eyes after 10-12 days. They initially have plain, greyish-brown fur, attaining full adult coloration around 11 weeks of age. They begin to take solid food at 6-7 weeks when they begin to leave the den but are not fully weaned for 5 or 6 months. The den is abandoned 2-3 months after the kittens are born, but they typically remain with their mother until they are around 10 months of age. Reproductive maturity is usually attained at 2-3 years of age.


Population threats

The main threats to Eurasian lynxes include habitat loss, loss of prey due to illegal hunting, game hunting, and trapping for fur. In Russia, these animals are still often killed for the skin market and the pelt industry.

Population number

According to IUCN Red List, in 2013 the total population size of the Siberian lynx was 5,890 individuals. As a whole, the Eurasian lynx is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List, and its numbers today are stable.

Coloring Pages


1. Siberian lynx Wikipedia article -

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