Black-tailed marmoset
The silvery marmoset (Mico argentatus ) is a New World monkey that lives in the eastern Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
The fur of the silvery marmoset is colored whitish silver-grey except for a dark tail. Remarkable are its naked, flesh-colored ears which stand out from the skin. They reach a size of 18 to 28 cm (7.1 to 11.0 in) and weigh from 300 to 400 g (11 to 14 oz).
Silvery marmosets are diurnal and arboreal, using their claws to climb trees. Originally rain forest inhabitants, plantations have caused them to expand their range. They spend the night in tree hollows or in very close vegetation. They live together in small groups and mark their territory with scent glands, driving out intruders by shouting or by facial expressions (lowered brows and guarded lips).
The diet of the silvery marmosets predominantly consists of tree sap. To a lesser extent, they also eat bird eggs, fruit, insects, and small vertebrates.
After a 145-day gestation period, the female bears two (or rarely three) offspring. As is the case for many callitrichids, the father and the other group members take part with the raising of the offspring. Within six months the young are weaned, with full maturity coming at about two years of age.
Studies show that Silvery Marmosets prefer secondary growth forests and edge growth forests due to some of the benefits that the habitat presents such as an abundance of insect prey and dense vegetation.
The Silvery marmoset is an easily recognizable primate with pointed jaws. This animal also exhibit unusually short, sharp canines, as an adaptation to its feeding behavior. The Silvery Marmoset has a very dark tail, due to which the animal is otherwise known as the 'Black-tailed monkey'. It's a Callitrichidae species, belonging to the group of New World monkeys. This primate is endemic to rainforests of eastern Amazon basin (Brazil). Although quite small, these animals are very intelligent creatures. Their toes, except for halluces, are equipped with claws, due to which these primates are distinguished from other New World monkeys, which commonly have nails on all of their toes.
The natural range of this species stretches southwards and eastwards of the eastern Amazon basin (Brazil). Silvery marmosets are rainforest creatures, commonly found in tree hollows and among dense vegetation. These animals are known to sleep in vine tangles.
Silvery marmosets are social primates, forming groups of about 4 - 11 individuals. Each group consists of an adult pair and their young. They are tree-dwelling animals, spending their time in tree hollows. Silvery marmosets lead diurnal lifestyle, being active by day and sleeping by night. Group members are almost constantly together. They display highly territorial behavior towards outsiders, driving them off from the home range of the community. If the intruder doesn't leave, they will move rapidly in trees until it gets away. Individuals of both genders use scent marking as a territorial display and a form of communication. They also socialize through various vocalizations, typically used when playing, excited and threatened. These animals spend a lot of their active time playing and social grooming, which are the two key activities, enhancing interpersonal relationships between group members. Grooming allows them to maintain their coats clean as well as greatly contributes to infant development.
These primates are gumivorous animals, which means that they primarily consume sap and gum of trees. Silvery marmosets may also use leaves, fruits and insects.
Silvery marmosets exhibit a monogamous mating system with a single dominant, breeding pair per group. However, some populations practice polyandry, which means that each females mates with multiple males. Group members usually display communal care, helping the pair to rear their offspring, carrying and protecting the newborn babies. Females in the wild typically yield offspring in November-March in the wild, while captive individuals may produce young throughout the year. Gestation period lasts for 140 - 145 days, producing 1 - 3 young with an average of 2. Complete weaning occurs at 6 months old and maturity is reached by 1 - 2 years of age.
These animals currently suffer from loss of their natural habitat. For example, population along the Transamazon and Santarém-Cuiabá highways as well as south of the lower Rio Amazonas is facing terrible habitat loss as a result of logging, agro-industry, cattle-ranching and road development. Additionally, in some parts of their range, Silvery marmosets are captured and kept as a pet species.
According to IUCN, the Silvery marmoset is widespread throughout its range and adaptable but no overall population estimate is available. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC), but its numbers are decreasing.