Laudakia stellio
Laudakia stellio is a species of agamid lizard. also known as the starred agama or the roughtail rock agama.
Common names for L. stellio include dikenli keler, hardim, hardun, kourkoutas (Cypriot Greek), kourkoutavlos, painted dragon, roughtail rock agama, short-toed rock agama, sling-tailed agama, star lizard, starred agama, and stellion.
The common name "stellion" comes from Latin stellio, stēlio (stelliōn-, stēliōn- ), from stella, star. It may have referred to any spotted lizard.
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starts withLaudakia stellio may attain a total length (including tail) of 35 cm (14 in) or slightly longer.
Like many agamids, L. stellio can change its color to express its mood. It basks on stone walls, rocks, and trees. It is usually found in rocky habitats, and is quite shy, being very ready to dive into cracks to hide from potential predators.