

Terciopelo ("velvet" in Spanish) (St.Lucia), Terciopelo

Bothrops asper
Population size
Life Span
15-21 years
kg lbs 
m ft 

The fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) is a highly venomous pit viper species found from southern Mexico to northern South America. It is the most dangerous snake of Central and South America and is the main cause of fatal snakebite incidents within its range. However, in common with other venomous snakes, it prefers to avoid confrontation with humans whenever possible.


With a mass of up to 6 kilograms (13 lb) and a maximal length of 2.5 meters (8.2 ft), fer-de-lances are among the largest pit vipers. These snakes can be distinguished by their broad, flattened heads which are set apart from the rest of their bodies. Their head is light to dark brown or even black in color. The underside is most often pale yellow. This species has different patterns and colors on its dorsal and ventral. The ventral side is yellow, cream, or whitish-gray, with dark blotches that are more frequent closer to the posterior end. Some individuals may have a yellow zig-zag-shaped line on each side of the body. There is a great variety of colors on their dorsal side: olive, gray, light brown to dark brown, tan, or sometimes nearly black. Females have thick, heavy bodies and grow significantly larger than males. They also have heads two or three times the size of males relative to their size and proportionally bigger fangs (typically 2.5 cm), as well.




Fer-de-lances are found in eastern Mexico and Central America, including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. An isolated population occurs in southeastern Chiapas (Mexico) and southwestern Guatemala. In northern South America, these snakes are found in Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Venezuela. Fer-de-lances like moist environments. They can be found in the premontane forest in Costa Rica, the cloud forest of Guatemala and Mexico, or the lower montane wet forest in the Caribbean Region of Colombia and Ecuador. They chiefly inhabit tropical rainforest and evergreen forest, but will also occur in drier areas of tropical deciduous forest, thorn forest, and pine savannah near lakes, rivers, and streams.

Fer-de-lance habitat map

Climate zones

Fer-de-lance habitat map

Habits and Lifestyle

Fer-de-lances are nocturnal and solitary snakes. They are less active in colder and drier periods. They are often found near rivers and streams, basking in the sun during the day and lying still while well camouflaged in leaf litter or under forest cover waiting to ambush prey such as rats and mice that come within range during the night. Juveniles are often semiarboreal, and even adults can sometimes be seen in bushes and low trees. Juveniles also exhibit caudal luring, the use of their differently colored tail tips to lure prey. Although both males and females display this behavior, only males have bright-colored tail tips. These snakes are excitable and unpredictable when disturbed. When cornered or threatened, Fer-de-lances can be very defensive and may exhibit an S-coiled defense display. They can, and often will move very quickly, usually opting to flee from danger, but are capable of suddenly reversing direction to vigorously defend themselves. Adult specimens, when cornered and fully alert, are dangerous. When cornered or threatened, Fer-de-lances can be very defensive and may exhibit an S-coiled defense display.

Seasonal behavior


The fer-de-lance together with Crotalus durissus, is the leading cause of snakebite in Yucatán, Mexico. It is considered the most dangerous snake in Costa Rica, responsible for 46% of all bites and 30% of all hospitalized cases. In the Colombian states of Antioquia and Chocó, it causes 50-70% of all snakebites, with a sequelae rate of 9% and a fatality rate of 6%. In the state of Lara, Venezuela, it is responsible for 78% of all envenomations and all snakebite fatalities. One of the reasons so many people are bitten is because of its association with human habitation; many bites occur indoors. This species is irritable and fast-moving. It is also regarded as being excitable and unpredictable. Its large size and habit of raising its head high off the ground can result in bites above the knee. It has also been observed to eject venom over a distance of at least 6 ft (1.8 m) in fine jets from the tips of its fangs. Bite symptoms include pain, oozing from the puncture wounds, local swelling that may increase for up to 36 hours, bruising that spreads from the bite site, blisters, numbness, mild fever, headache, bleeding from the nose and gums, hemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness and tenderness of the spleen. In untreated cases, local necrosis frequently occurs and may cause gangrene which often requires amputation. In 12 fatal cases, the cause of death was sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage, acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, and hemorrhagic shock.

Diet and Nutrition

Fer-de-lances are carnivores and feed on birds, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals, mainly rats, and mice. Juveniles consume small frogs, lizards, and even large insects.

Mating Habits

September-November; March
6-8 months
5 to 86
at birth
5-86 young

Fer-de-lances have are polyandrous which means that females mate with more than one male during mating season. The breeding season of these snakes varies according to location. In some parts, mating takes place between September and November, with females giving birth between April and June. Some populations may mate in March, and give birth in September-November. The average number of offspring is 5-86 live young. In both populations, gestation time ranged from 6 to 8 months. Snakelets are born fully developed and don't need parental care.


Population threats

The main threat to Fer-de-lances is habitat loss due to deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization. These snakes also suffer locally from environmental changes and the decline of their prey species.

Population number

According to IUCN Red List, the fer-de-lance is locally common throughout its range but no overall population estimate is available. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today are stable.

Ecological niche

Fer-de-lances are important predators in the ecosystem they live in as they control populations of species they prey on.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Other common names applied to this snake are Mapepire balsain (Trinidad), Carpet Labaria (Guyana), Barba amarilla (Guatemala, Honduras; "yellow beard"), equis (Ecuador and Panama; "x"), Taya equis (Colombia), Cuaima (Venezuela), Nauyaca (México; from Nahuatl nahui, four, and yacatl, nose; "four noses"), and Yellow-jaw tommygoff (Belize)
  • The name "fer-de-lance" means "spearhead" in French.
  • On average, these snakes inject 105 mg of venom in one bite while the fatal dose for a human is 50 mg.
  • To prevent water loss where they occur in drier regions, these snakes possess more scales than usual.


1. Fer-de-lance on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bothrops_asper

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