10 species
Leptodactylus is a genus of leptodactylid frogs. It includes the species commonly called ditch frogs or white-lipped frogs. It is very similar to Physalaemus, a close relative, and indeed the recently described Leptodactylus lauramiriamae is in some aspects intermediate between them. The name means ‘slender finger’, from leptos (‘thin, delicate’) and the Greek daktylos (δάκτυλος, ‘finger, toe’).
Leptodactylus is a genus of leptodactylid frogs. It includes the species commonly called ditch frogs or white-lipped frogs. It is very similar to Physalaemus, a close relative, and indeed the recently described Leptodactylus lauramiriamae is in some aspects intermediate between them. The name means ‘slender finger’, from leptos (‘thin, delicate’) and the Greek daktylos (δάκτυλος, ‘finger, toe’).