The Kanaani is a medium to large cat with an athletic yet slender and elegant body. It has long and slender paws with oval paw pads, and its gait is reminiscent of a large wildcat. The ears of the Kanaani are wide at the base, large, and pointed at the tips. Some Kanaani cats may have ear tufts with a pattern resembling a print on the backside. Their eyes are large and almond-shaped, always green in adult cats but can also be yellow-green. The coat of the Kanaani is short, with a small undercoat, and coarse in texture rather than soft. The breed standard permits colors ranging from beige to chocolate, with slightly blurred spots due to ticking. The coat pattern can be either spotted or marbled, resulting in colors such as spotted seal, chocolate-spotted seal, cinnamon-spotted seal, marbled seal, chocolate-marbled seal, and cinnamon-marbled seal. All Kanaani cats should have at least three rings at the tip of their tail, with the very end of the tail and paw pads being black like those of a true forest cat. Additionally, there is usually a 'necklace' of fur around the neck, which may have a break in the pattern, as well as a distinctive 'M' shape visible on the forehead.