Brown-hooded parrot
Pyrilia haematotis

The brown-hooded parrot (Pyrilia haematotis ) is a small parrot which is a resident breeding species from southeastern Mexico to north-western Colombia. Until recently, it was placed in the genus Pionopsitta, which now is restricted to the type species, the pileated parrot. It is sometimes considered conspecific with the rose-faced parrot (P. pulchra ). This species has been adversely affected by deforestation.

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It is found in lowlands and foothills locally up to 1600 m altitude in forest canopy and edges, and adjacent semi-open woodland and second growth. The white eggs are laid in an unlined nest, usually a natural cavity in a tree.

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The brown-hooded parrot is 21 cm long and weighs 165 g. The adult has a brown head and neck, darker on the face, especially in males, and a red ear-patch. The rest of the body is mainly green, with an olive tone to the breast. The wings have blue outer primaries and red linings which show well in flight, and the tail has reddish sides The eye-ring and bill are pale. Young birds are similar to the adults, but paler, duller, and without red on the head.


Brown-hooded parrot habitat map
Brown-hooded parrot
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Habits and Lifestyle

The brown-hooded parrot feeds in pairs or small flocks of up to 15 birds, taking various seeds and fruits, including figs, from trees and epiphytes. It can be difficult to see when feeding since it is slow-moving, usually silent, and keeps in the canopy.

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Its flight call is a rolling kereek, and when perched it has a variety of social gurgles and squeaks.

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Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition


1. Brown-hooded parrot Wikipedia article -
2. Brown-hooded parrot on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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