Population status
Extinct (EX) animals
237 species
A species is extinct when the last existing member dies. Extinction, therefore, becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals that can reproduce and create a new generation. A species may become functionally extinct when only a handful of individuals survive, which cannot reproduce due to poor health, age, sparse distribution over a large range, a lack of individuals of both sexes (in sexually reproducing species), or other reasons. More than 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth, amounting to over five billion species, are estimated to have died out. Notable extinct animal species include non-avian dinosaurs, saber-toothed cats, dodos, mammoths, ground sloths, thylacines, trilobites and golden toads.
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A species is extinct when the last existing member dies. Extinction, therefore, becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals that can reproduce and create a new generation. A species may become functionally extinct when only a handful of individuals survive, which cannot reproduce due to poor health, age, sparse distribution over a large range, a lack of individuals of both sexes (in sexually reproducing species), or other reasons. More than 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth, amounting to over five billion species, are estimated to have died out. Notable extinct animal species include non-avian dinosaurs, saber-toothed cats, dodos, mammoths, ground sloths, thylacines, trilobites and golden toads.
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