Endemic Animals of Zimbabwe

Cave squeaker
The cave squeaker (Arthroleptis troglodytes ) is a species of frog in the family Arthroleptidae. It is endemic to the Chimanimani Mountains in Zimbabwe.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical, high-altitude grassland and caves. Very little is known about this species save that it is taxonomically distinct from "true frogs" from the family Ranidae. The cave squeaker undergoes direct development, forgoing existence as a tadpole and ...
hatching directly as miniature adults. The embryo develops into a tadpole and subsequently into an adult frog before hatching. The eggs must still be laid in a damp location, however. This ability frees the cave squeaker from dependence on bodies of water for reproduction.This is a small species, measuring just 25 mm in total length. The tips of the fingers and toes are slightly swollen. The colouration of the dorsal surface is light brown with slightly dark speckling on the back of the head, with the remainder of the back being dark brown with irregular dark markings. The arms and legs are strongly banded.The cave squeaker is listed as critically endangered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species because its extent of occurrence is less than 100 km2 and its area of occupancy is less than 10 km2, all individuals are in a single location, and a continuing decline in the number of mature individuals may occur, due to climate change (or other unidentified threats).
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Cave squeaker
Probreviceps rhodesianus
Probreviceps rhodesianus is a species of frog in the family Brevicipitidae. At present, it is only known from three localities in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe north of Mutare; it is thus endemic to that country. However, it is possible that its range extends to adjacent Mozambique. This species has many common names: forest rain frog, highland primitive rain frog, highland rain frog, and Zimbabwe big-fingered frog.
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Probreviceps rhodesianus
Inyanga toad
The Inyanga toad or Inyangani toad (Vandijkophrynus inyangae ) is a species of toad in the family Bufonidae. It is known from the Inyanga Mountains of eastern Zimbabwe at elevations of 2,400–2,560 m (7,870–8,400 ft) asl; it is expected to occur in the adjacent Mozambique but has not been recorded there, probably because of lack of surveys. Originally described as a subspecies of Bufo gariepensis (now Vandijkophrynus gariepensis ), most recent treat ...
ments have treated it as a full species.Natural habitats of these toads are montane grasslands with granite outcrops. They hide under stones, in cracks in the granite, and in rodent burrows. Breeding takes place in temporary pools.The species is hard to find but appears to be fairly common within its very limited range. Its habitat is relatively intact, but there is a risk of habitat loss from wood plantations, overgrazing by livestock, and human settlement. It occurs in the Nyanga National Park.
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Inyanga toad
Hyperolius rhodesianus
Hyperolius rhodesianus is a species of frog in the family Hyperoliidae. H. rhodesianus is part of the Hyperolius viridiflavus superspecies, and it remains debated whether it should be considered a distinct species. It is currently known from extreme western Zimbabwe, but it is quite likely that its range extends into the adjacent Zambia and possibly Botswana. Common name Laurent's reed frog has been proposed for it.Hyperolius rhodesianus occurs ...
in emergent vegetation at the margins of swamps, rivers, and lakes in all types of savanna, grassland, and bush land habitats, and in many human-modified habitats such cultivated land and gardens. It will rapidly occupy recently created waterbodies. Breeding takes place in a wide variety of aquatic habitats, ranging from very small to very large ponds—usually temporary, but often also permanent ones. The eggs are deposited directly into the water.Hyperolius rhodesianus is an extremely abundant and adaptable species that is not facing any significant threats. It occurs in the Hwange National Park and in the Matetsi safari area.
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Hyperolius rhodesianus
Zygaspis ferox
Zygaspis ferox is a worm lizard species in the family Amphisbaenidae. It is endemic to Zimbabwe.
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Zygaspis ferox
Selinda veld rat
The Selinda veld rat or Silinda rock rat (Aethomys silindensis ) is a species of rodent in the family Muridaefound in possibly Mozambique and Zimbabwe.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.
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Selinda veld rat
Matabeleland mole-rat
The Matabeleland mole-rat, Cryptomys nimrodi, is a species of mole-rat found in Zimbabwe.
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Matabeleland mole-rat