Splendid Fairywren

Splendid Fairywren

Splendid wren, Blue wren

Malurus splendens
Population size
Life Span
5-6 years
g oz 
cm inch 

The splendid fairywren (Malurus splendens ) is a passerine bird in the Australasian wren family, Maluridae. It is also known simply as the splendid wren or more colloquially in Western Australia as the blue wren. The splendid fairywren is found across much of the Australian continent from central-western New South Wales and southwestern Queensland over to coastal Western Australia. It inhabits predominantly arid and semi-arid regions. Exhibiting a high degree of sexual dimorphism, the male in breeding plumage is a small, long-tailed bird of predominantly bright blue and black colouration. Non-breeding males, females and juveniles are predominantly grey-brown in colour; this gave the early impression that males were polygamous as all dull-coloured birds were taken for females. It comprises several similar all-blue and black subspecies that were originally considered separate species.

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Like other fairywrens, the splendid fairywren is notable for several peculiar behavioural characteristics; the birds are socially monogamous and sexually promiscuous, meaning that although they form pairs between one male and one female, each partner will mate with other individuals and even assist in raising the young from such trysts. Male wrens pluck pink or purple petals and display them to females as part of a courtship display.

The habitat of the splendid fairywren ranges from forest to dry scrub, generally with ample vegetation for shelter. Unlike the eastern superb fairywren, it has not adapted well to human occupation of the landscape and has disappeared from some urbanised areas. The splendid fairywren mainly eats insects and supplements its diet with seeds.

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Not a migrant


starts with


Blue Animals


The Splendid fairywren is a small, long-tailed bird found across much of the Australian continent. The breeding male is distinctive with a predominantly bright blue and black coloration. The non-breeding male is brown with blue on the wings and a bluish tail. The female resembles the non-breeding male but has a chestnut bill and eye patch. Both males and females molt in autumn after breeding, with males assuming an eclipse non-breeding plumage. They will molt again into nuptial plumage in winter or spring. Some older males, however, may remain blue all year, molting directly from one year's nuptial plumage to the next.



Splendid fairywrens occur on the Australian continent from central-western New South Wales and southwestern Queensland over to coastal Western Australia. The western and eastern populations of this species are largely sedentary, while others are thought to be partially nomadic. These birds inhabit mainly arid and semi-arid regions. They live in savannah, shrubland, dry forests, woodlands of acacia, and mallee eucalypt with dense shrubs.

Splendid Fairywren habitat map

Climate zones

Splendid Fairywren habitat map
Splendid Fairywren
Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

Habits and Lifestyle

Splendid fairywrens are active and restless feeders; they feed mainly on open ground near the shelter, but also through the lower foliage. They move in a series of jaunty hops and bounces, with their long tail held upright and rarely still. During spring and summer, birds are active in bursts throughout the day and accompany their foraging with song. Insects are numerous and easy to catch, which allows the birds to rest between forays. The group of wrens often shelters and rests together during the heat of the day. During the winter, when food is harder to find they spend the day foraging continuously. Splendid fairywrens live in groups of 2 to 8 individuals and remain in their territory defending it year-round. The group consists of a socially monogamous pair with one or more male or female helper birds that were hatched in the territory, though they may not necessarily be the offspring of the main pair. Helper birds assist in defending the territory and feeding and rearing the young. Birds in a group roost side-by-side in dense cover as well as engage in mutual preening. Splendid fairywrens communicate vocally and their call is described as a gushing reel. A soft single 'trrt' serves as a contact call within a foraging group, while the alarm call is a 'tsit'. Females emit a 'purr' while brooding. Cuckoos and other intruders may be greeted with a threat posture and churring threat.

Group name
Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

Splendid fairywrens are carnivores (insectivores). Their diet includes a wide range of small creatures, mostly arthropods such as ants, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, and bugs. This is supplemented by small quantities of seeds, flowers, and fruit.

Mating Habits

late August-January
14-15 days
10-13 days
2-4 eggs

Although pairs of Splendid fairywrens are socially monogamous, they exhibit a polygynandrous (promiscuous) mating system; pairs bond for life but each partner will regularly mate with other individuals and even assist in raising the young from such trysts. Breeding occurs from late August to January. During this time males perform several courtship displays; the 'sea horse flight,' so named for the similarity of movements to those by a seahorse. It is an exaggerated undulating flight where the male, with his neck, extended and his head feathers erect, flies and tilts his body from horizontal to vertical and by rapidly beating wings is able to descend slowly and spring upwards after alighting on the ground. The 'face fan' display may be seen as a part of aggressive or mating display behaviors; it involves the flaring of the blue ear tufts by erecting the feathers. The nest is built by the female; it is a round or domed structure made of loosely woven grasses and spider webs, with an entrance on one side close to the ground and well-concealed in thick and often thorny vegetation. One or two broods may be laid during the breeding season. The female lays a clutch of 2 to 4 dull white eggs with reddish-brown splotches and spots which she incubates for 14-15 days. After hatching, nestlings are fed by all group members for 10-13 days, by which time they are fledged. Young birds remain in the family group as helpers for a year or more before moving to another group. In this role, they feed and care for subsequent broods.


Population threats

The biggest threat to Splendid fairywren is habitat loss. Major nest predators include Australian magpies, butcherbirds, laughing kookaburra, crows and ravens, shrike-thrushes as well as introduced mammals such as the red fox, cat, and black rat. Wrens are also often hit by vehicles.

Population number

According to IUCN, the Splendid fairywren is locally common and widespread throughout its range but no overall population estimate is available. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today are stable.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Like other species of fairywrens, Splendid fairywrens may use a 'rodent-run' display to distract predators from nests with chicks. While doing this, the head, neck, and tail of the bird are lowered, the wings are held out and the feathers are fluffed as the bird runs rapidly and voices a continuous alarm call.
  • Splendid fairywrens mostly forage on the ground or in shrubs that are less than two meters above the ground; this has been termed 'hop-searching'.
  • Male Splendid fairywrens have another interesting habit during the breeding season. They pluck petals (predominantly pink and purple ones which contrast with their plumage) and show them to female fairy-wrens. Petals often form part of a courtship display and are presented to a female in the male fairywren's own or another territory. Outside the breeding season, males may sometimes still show petals to females in other territories, presumably to promote themselves. Thus, petal-carrying might be a behavior that strengthens the pair bond. Petal carrying might also be a way for extra males to gain mating rights with females.
  • Adult fairywrens feed their young a different diet, conveying larger items such as caterpillars and grasshoppers to nestlings.
  • Splendid fairywrens build so small nests that the female's long tail is always bent during incubation.
  • Splendid fairywrens are not shy birds and will gladly feed from feeders or from tables on verandahs without fear. It is said that they love cheese!

Coloring Pages


1. Splendid Fairy-Wren on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splendid_fairywren
2. Splendid Fairy-Wren on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22703740/93934738
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/689329

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