Ranoidea platycephala

Ranoidea platycephala

Water-holding frog

Ranoidea platycephala

Ranoidea platycephala, commonly known as the water-holding frog, is a frog common to most Australian states. It differs from most other members of the family Pelodryadidae as a ground dweller and the ability to aestivate. It can live for five years without drinking.


The species has a population spread across all the Australian states except Victoria and Tasmania. It occupies a wide range of habitat from forests of tropical swamp to intermittent pools and lowland grass country; all habitat is assumed to be of a low elevation. Populations are assumed to be large from frequent reports and a broad range. This range is assumed to overlap with National parks, but research has not been undertaken into the ecology and biology of the species. It buries itself in sandy ground in a secreted, water-tight, mucus cocoon with its external skin during periods of hot, dry weather. For additional nutrition and to save energy, the frog eats the external skin. It has been known to burrow to depths of up to 1 meter (3 feet).

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The water-holding frog is characterized by a broad, flat head, completely webbed toes, and a stout body which is usually dull gray to dark brown or green. They also have small eyes that are placed somewhat laterally and forward-directed, enhancing vision downward and binocular perspective (Cogger and Zweifel 1998).

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Biogeographical realms

Habits and Lifestyle


Diet and Nutrition

Mating Habits

The water-holding frog only emerges from deep underground after it rains to breed. It lays large amounts of spawn in still water after floods. Some eggs may be attached to vegetation, or spread in a thin film on the surface, thus ensuring adequate oxygen in warm waters suffering from oxygen depletion. Tadpoles of the water-holding frog can reach a maximum length of 60mm (S. Australian Frogcensus 1999).


1. Ranoidea platycephala Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranoidea_platycephala
2. Ranoidea platycephala on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/41076/10396927

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