Scrub greenlet
Hylophilus flavipes

The scrub greenlet or scrub vireo, (Hylophilus flavipes ) is a small passerine bird in the vireo family. It breeds in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Tobago. They can be found in the southernmost part of Central America and northern South America, which can be defined as extending from Venezuela to Colombia.


The adult scrub greenlet is 11.5 cm long and weighs 13 g. It is mainly green on the upperparts, with brighter wings and rump, and an olive-brown head with very weak supercilium and yellowish eyering. The underparts are yellow, the bill is mainly dark and the legs are pale. The call is a long series of notes, weary-weary-weary-weary, interspersed with churrs and squeaks. Both males and females have similar appearance, and they are often spotted in pairs.



Biogeographical realms

Scrub greenlets inhabit forest edges, savanna, and light woodland areas of lower sea level.

Scrub greenlet habitat map
Scrub greenlet habitat map
Scrub greenlet
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Habits and Lifestyle

They build a deep cup nest suspended from a tree branch. A typical scrub greenlet's clutch consists of three white eggs, which are marked with brown. While current population size is unknown, it is not believed to be diminishing, so the species is evaluated as Least Concern.

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They are known to hang upside-down to forage for food. Scrub greenlets feed on insects and spiders taken from the upper and middle levels of tree foliage. They also eat berries, especially before migration. Scrub greenlets are also known to occasionally join mixed species flocks. A mixed feeding flock is used by foraging birds to increase feeding efficiency and form protection from predators. Mixed species flocks tend to be larger in the tropics compared to temperate rainforests, but remains a phenomenon that has puzzled researchers for a long time.

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Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition


1. Scrub greenlet Wikipedia article -
2. Scrub greenlet on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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