Golden Jackal

Golden Jackal

Eurasian golden jackal, Common jackal, Asiatic jackal, Reed wolf

Canis aureus
Population size
Life Span
8-16 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
kg lbs 
cm inch 
cm inch 

The Golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a wolf-like canid. Despite its name, the Golden jackal is not closely related to the African Black-backed jackal or Side-striped jackal, which are part of the genus Lupulella, being instead closer to wolves and coyotes. The ancestor of the Golden jackal is believed to be the extinct Arno river dog that lived in southern Europe 1.9 million years ago. It is described as having been a small, jackal-like canine. Genetic studies indicate that the Golden jackal expanded from India around 20,000 years ago, towards the end of the last Last Glacial Maximum. The oldest Golden jackal fossil, found at the Ksar Akil rock shelter near Beirut, Lebanon, is 7,600 years old. The oldest golden jackal fossils in Europe were found in Greece and are 7,000 years old.


The Golden jackal has long, pointed ears and long hair. The coat of the animal is rather coarse and not very long. The tail is fluffy and long. Being the largest species of jackal, this animal, however, has lighter tread, shorter tail, more slender build and a narrower, more pointed muzzle, compared to other jackal species. The coloration of their fur depends on the season of year and region, varying from yellow to pale gold with a brown tip.




These jackals are widely distributed from North and East Africa to southeastern Europe and South Asia, including Burma. These animals are abundant in valleys and along rivers and their tributaries, canals, lakes, and seashores, but are rare in foothills and low mountains. They are found in dense thickets of prickly bushes, reed flood-lands, and forests. In India, they will occupy the surrounding foothills above arable areas and enter human settlements at night to feed on garbage.

Golden Jackal habitat map

Climate zones

Golden Jackal habitat map
Golden Jackal
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Habits and Lifestyle

Living nearby human settlements, Golden jackals are strictly nocturnal. However, those living in other areas can be partly diurnal. The main social unit of these animals is a mated pair as well as a family, consisting of a mated pair and its young. Living in pairs, the jackals share most of their activity with their partners. Their behavior is strictly synchronized: they forage, hunt, and rest together. As a matter of fact, hunting in pairs, they are three times more successful, than hunting alone. Jackal families hunt on a territory of about 2-3 sq. km. all year round. Looking for shelter, they frequently use caverns, dug by other animals. Golden jackals can also dig caverns themselves as well as use crevices in rocks. They are very friendly to their partners. Scratching one another all over their bodies is a common activity between mates. Nevertheless, once strange jackals encounter each other, their behavior shows subordination, domination, and even readiness to attack.

Group name
Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Golden jackals are omnivores. These opportunistic foragers have a rather diverse diet. They feed on a wide variety of animal species such as young gazelles, hares, reptiles, ground birds and their eggs, fish frogs as well as insects. The usual diet of Golden jackals also includes various fruits. During the winter months, they frequently eat rodents. In addition, they can consume carrion.

Mating Habits

starts in early February and lasts around 26-28 days
63 days
1-9 pups
8 weeks

Golden jackals have a monogamous mating system with females, fiercely defending the territory from other females. Thus they try to restrict access of female intruders to the male, not sharing him and preventing his paternal investment. Usually, a jackal family contains one or two adult individuals called "helpers". These are the ones, who, reaching sexual maturity, continue living with their parents for about a year. They do not breed and help the parents in rearing the next litter. Breeding season takes place at the beginning of February or at the end of January (if the weather is warm enough), lasting about 26-28 days. After the gestation period of 63 days, the female gives birth in a den within the pair's territory. One litter can yield 1-9 babies, with an average of 2-4 pups. The female nurses the young for about 8 weeks, after which they are weaned. Females reach reproductive maturity during the first year of their lives while male jackals become reproductively mature within 2 years.


Population threats

One of the serious concerns of their population is diseases. Rabies and distemper, for example, occasionally cause high numbers of mortality among these animals. On the other hand, they are hunted and persecuted as livestock predators and pests. However, the major threat is the alteration of traditional land-use practices. Some parts of their habitat are presently turning to industrial areas and agricultural lands, which leads to a reduction of cover and food shortages.

Population number

Golden jackals are common and widespread, found in large numbers throughout the area of their range. The overall number of their population is presently unknown but increasing. In India, for example, specific populations of Golden jackals are estimated to be about 80,000 individuals. On the IUCN Red List, the species is classified as Least Concern (LC).

Ecological niche

Golden jackals are key scavengers in their home range. They consume garbage and carrion around villages and towns. Also, they control the numbers of prey populations. Thus, they benefit agriculture, feeding upon rodents and lagomorphs.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Golden jackals use vocalizations as a form of communication with other jackals of the community. Thus, when prey is located, they usually emit yelling or yapping sounds.
  • Golden jackals are exceptional hunters, but they are able to survive in the absence of prey, feeding solely upon the grass.
  • In order to protect the pups from predators, the female jackal changes the location of the den every two weeks.
  • Golden jackals can be tamed. Usually, tamed jackals, living in houses, have a behavior of a domesticated dog. However, they are still shy towards strangers, not allowing them to caress them.
  • 54% of their diet has an animal origin and 46% - a plant origin.
  • Choral howling of Golden jackals is a form of affiance, by which the pair demonstrates the bond between them.

Coloring Pages


1. Golden Jackal Wikipedia article -
2. Golden Jackal on The IUCN Red List site -

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