Eastern River Cooter
Pseudemys concinna concinna
Population size
Life Span
40 years
cm inch 

The Eastern river cooter (Pseudemys concinna concinna) is a subspecies of River cooter. Eastern river cooters have one particular distinctive feature; they have the ability to breathe underwater through a sac called the cloaca bursae which is based in their tail. This allows them to stay underwater for extended periods of time and makes their behavior harder to study.


The carapace (upper shell) of the Eastern river cooter is typically dark greenish brown usually with a "C" marking facing the posterior. In western populations, the "C" may be reduced and many yellow markings may be present on each scute. The background color is reddish brown, unlike the other subspecies, P. c. suwanniensis, which is very dark. The plastron (bottom shell) is yellow to reddish-orange with a dark pattern between scutes that follows the scute seams (this fades with age). This distinguishes it from P. floridana, which lacks the dark marks. The stripe down the hind foot is also a major characteristic, and P. suwanniensis can be distinguished by its lack of color on the legs. Females tend to grow larger than males and have a smaller tail and more convex plastron.




These turtles are found in the eastern United States, with a smaller population in the midwest. They prefer areas with flowing water, such as rivers, lakes and ponds but will also live in other freshwater habitats. Eastern river cooters live in shallow areas with aquatic vegetation, and when in larger numbers, they live in deeper, clear water.

Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

Eastern river cooters can sometimes bask in the sun, but are very wary and will quickly hide into the water if approached. Otherwise, they are difficult to find in the water, which may be due to their ability to breathe while fully submerged. As a result, they are not often seen. In warmer climates, they are active year-round but are not very active during winter in colder areas. In general, River cooters usually spend time singly seen but may frequently be found in the company of other aquatic basking turtles (sliders and painteds) sometimes piled up on top of each other. River cooters are diurnal turtles. They can move with surprising speed in the water and on land. It is not unusual for them to wander from one body of freshwater to another, but many individuals seem to develop fairly large home ranges, which they seldom or never leave. Large webbed feet make these turtles an excellent swimmer, capable of negotiating moderately strong river currents of major river systems. River cooters sleep in the water, hidden under vegetation.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Eastern river cooters are herbivores (folivores, algivores). They feed almost exclusively on aquatic plants and algae. Aquatic plants seem to make up almost 95% of their diets. Younger cooters prefer more protein-enriched diet such as aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, and fish. Older turtles may occasionally seek prey as well but mostly have a herbivorous diet.

Mating Habits

90-100 days
at birth
10-25 eggs

Eastern river cooters mate in early spring and nest from May to June. The female chooses a site with sandy or loamy soil, within 100 ft (30 m) of the river's edge. She looks for a rather open area, with no major obstacles for the future hatchings to negotiate on their way to the river. The nest is dug with the hind feet. She lays 10-25 or more eggs in one or more clutches. Eggs are ellipsoidal, approximately 1.5 inches (4 cm) long. Incubation time is determined by temperature but usually lasts 90-100 days. Hatchlings generally emerge in August or September. There have been reported instances of late clutches over-wintering and hatching in the spring. A hatchling will have a round carapace, about 1.5 inches (4 cm) in diameter, that is green with bright yellow markings. The young usually stay in the nest through their first winter.


Population threats

River cooters suffer from loss of habitat, predation by animals, slaughter on the highways, and use as a food source by some people. Hatchlings are particularly vulnerable. During their overland scramble to the river, many hatchlings will be taken by avian and mammal predators. Alligators and muskrats await them in the water. Some will be taken and sold to pet stores. Populations are down in some areas, and there have been increasing reports of injured turtles.

Population number

The total population size of the Eastern river cooter is unknown. Presently, this subspecies is not included in the IUCN Red List and its conservation status has not been evaluated.


1. Eastern river cooter Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_river_cooter

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