Short-tailed swift
Chaetura brachyura

The short-tailed swift (Chaetura brachyura ) is a bird in the Apodidae, or swift family.


The short-tailed swift is about 10.5 cm long, and weighs 20 g. It has long narrow wings, a robust body and a short tail. The sexes are similar. It is mainly black with a pale rump and tail. It can be distinguished from related species in its range, such as the band-rumped swift (C. spinicauda ) or the gray-rumped swift (C. cinereiventris ) by the lack of contrast between the rump and the tail, the latter being much darker in the other species.



The swift is a common resident of Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada and Saint Vincent, and in tropical South America from Panama, Colombia and the Guianas south to Ecuador, Peru and Brazil; in Brazil, the entire Amazon Basin, excluding much of the southeastern Basin. It rarely occurs over 800 m ASL even in the hottest parts of its range and in mountainous or hilly terrain it inhabits, but has been recorded as high as 1,300 m ASL. It is found in a range of habitats including savanna, open woodland, and cultivation.

Short-tailed swift habitat map
Short-tailed swift habitat map
Short-tailed swift
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Habits and Lifestyle

It is very gregarious and forms communal roosts when not breeding. Predation by bats at the nest sites has been suspected. The flight call is a rapid chittering sti-sti-stew-stew-stew.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

The swift feeds in flight on flying insects, including winged ants and termites.

Mating Habits

The nest is a 5 cm wide shallow half-saucer of twigs and saliva attached to a vertical surface. This is often a man-made structure like a chimney or manhole, as with its relative, the chimney swift (C. pelagica ), but natural caves and tree cavities are also used. Up to seven white eggs (average 3 or 4) are incubated by both parents for 17–18 days. The young leave the nest in a further two weeks, but remain near it, clinging to the cavity wall without flying, for another two weeks.


1. Short-tailed swift Wikipedia article -
2. Short-tailed swift on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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