Snowy sheathbill

Snowy sheathbill

Greater sheathbill, Pale-faced sheathbill, Paddy

Chionis albus

The snowy sheathbill (Chionis albus ), also known as the greater sheathbill, pale-faced sheathbill, and paddy, is one of two species of sheathbill. It is usually found on the ground. It is the only land bird native to the Antarctic continent.


A snowy sheathbill is about 380–410 mm (15–16 in) long, with a wingspan of 760–800 mm (30–31 in). It is pure white except for its pink, warty face; its Latin name translates to "snow white".

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Sheathbills spend 86% of their day hunting for food and the other 14% resting.

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The snowy sheathbill lives in Antarctica, the Scotia Arc, the South Orkneys, and South Georgia. Snowy sheathbills living very far south migrate north in winter.

Snowy sheathbill habitat map
Snowy sheathbill habitat map
Snowy sheathbill
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Habits and Lifestyle

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

The snowy sheathbill does not have webbed feet. It finds its food on land. It is an omnivore, a scavenger, and a kleptoparasite and will eat nearly anything. It steals regurgitated krill and fish from penguins when feeding their chicks and will eat their eggs and chicks if given the opportunity. Sheathbills also eat carrion, animal feces, and, where available, human waste. It has been known to eat tapeworms that have been living in a chinstrap penguin's intestine.

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Sheathbills that are actively hunting for food spend approximately 38% of the day hunting, 20% of the time eating their prey, 23% just resting, 14% doing various comfortable activities, and the final 3% will be towards agonistic behavior.

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1. Snowy sheathbill Wikipedia article -
2. Snowy sheathbill on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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