Stresemann's bushcrow

Stresemann's bushcrow

Abyssinian pie, Bush crow, Ethiopian bushcrow

Zavattariornis stresemanni

Stresemann's bushcrow (Zavattariornis stresemanni ), also known as the Abyssinian pie, bush crow, Ethiopian bushcrow, or by its generic name Zavattariornis, is a rather starling-like bird, which is currently thought to be member of the crow family, Corvidae, though this is uncertain. It is slightly larger than the North American blue jay and is a bluish-grey in overall colour which becomes almost white on the forehead. The throat and chest are creamy-white with the tail and wings a glossy black. The black feathers have a tendency to bleach to brown at their tips. The iris of the bird is brown and the eye is surrounded by a band of naked bright blue skin. The bill, legs, and feet are black.

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Feeding is usually in small groups and the bird takes mainly insects. Breeding usually starts in March, with the birds building their nest high in an acacia tree. The birds usually lay five to six cream eggs with lilac blotches. The nest itself is globular in shape with a tubular entrance on top. It is possible that more than just the breeding pair visit the nest and that the young of previous years help in rearing the young.

The range of this species is quite restricted, it being confined to thorn acacia country in southern Ethiopia near Yavello (Javello), Mega, and Arero. It can be curiously absent from apparently suitable country near these areas; the reasons for this were formerly unclear, but are now thought to be related to the species requiring a "bubble" of lower temperature for proper foraging, which is only present within its small range, making it one of the few warm-blooded animals whose survival is wholly dependent on temperature (along with the sympatric white-tailed swallow). This requirement makes it extremely vulnerable to climate change, and massive declines and even potential extinction in the wild are projected in the future, making it one of the birds most threatened by climate change.

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The Stresemann's bushcrow is about 28 centimeters (11 in) long and weighs 130 grams (4.6 oz). The genders look similar and are not sexually dimorphic. Overall it is pale grey with a black tail and wings. The head, mantle, scapulars, back, rump, and uppertail coverts are all a pale grey. The feathers on the forehead, upper ear-coverts, and throat fade into white. The bright azure skin around the bushcrow's eye is featherless and can be inflated, narrowing the blackish-brown eye into a slit. The feathers behind the eye are capable of moving to reveal an oblong pink patch of skin. The bird's black beak decurves into a sharply pointed tip and is relatively small for a corvid. This beak is 33 to 39 millimeters (1.3 to 1.5 in) long. The feathers on the bird's chin are fine and can form a small tuft when erected. The bushcrow's breast and flanks are pale grey, fading into white on the rear flanks, belly, and undertail. On the wings, the lesser and median upper-wing coverts are grey, while the rest of the wing is a slightly glossy blue-black. Its blue-black tail is relatively long and square-ended. Its legs are black. When the plumage becomes worn, the upperparts appear to have a brownish tinge. The juvenile Stresemann's bushcrow is slightly duller than the adult, and the feathers of the body and upperwings are fringed with creamy-fawn. The facial skin, bill, and legs are also a dull grey.

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The bushcrow is a very vocal species, particularly when foraging. Its main contact call has been described as a single metallic "kej". While flying, the species frequently calls out a nasal, rapid "kerr kerr kerr". While these are the most frequent vocalizations, several others are known. Allopreening adults utter a metallic "kaw, kaw, kaw". Foraging birds call out "how, how, how", a single, quiet "quak", and a soft, repeated "guw". While building its nest, the bushcrow is known to utter a low "keh" sound, and adults utter a deep "waw" while rubbing their bills together.

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Biogeographical realms

This species is endemic to central-southern Ethiopia. It lives in a small area circumscribed by the towns of Yabelo, Mega, and Arero in Sidamo Province. Its total range covers about 2,400 square kilometers (930 sq mi).

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The Stresemann's bushcrow lives in flat savanna covered with mature acacia and Commiphora thornbushes. The bird prefers open short-grass savannas with scattered stands of these mature thornbushes. The soil must be deep and rich to support the bushcrow. It is most numerous when these stands are next to agricultural fields. For many years it was unknown why the species could be completely absent from areas of suitable habitat near seemingly identical but inhabited land. However recent research has revealed that the bird appears to inhabit an area with a very precise average temperature extreme, all of the seemingly suitable but uninhabited surrounding land actually has a slightly higher average temperature that appears to prevent the birds from successfully colonising. It is also not found near the scattered broadleaf woodland made up of Combretum and Terminalia. Its habitat is between 1,300 and 1,800 meters (4,300 and 5,900 ft) above sea level.

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Stresemann's bushcrow habitat map
Stresemann's bushcrow habitat map
Stresemann's bushcrow
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Habits and Lifestyle

The Stresemann's bushcrow is normally found in groups of about six birds. This species does not migrate.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

The bushcrow feeds both on the ground and in trees. It begins foraging at sunrise. While foraging, a bushcrow can be alone, in a pair, or in a group of six or seven other bushcrows. A foraging bushcrow digs vigorously in the soil while its beak is held slightly open to catch any insects it unearths. When it catches something, it carries it to the nearest tree or bush, pins it down with its foot, and kills and eats the prey. This species has also been seen using its beak to tear apart rotten wood and inspecting cattle dung in the search for food. It may also land on the backs of cattle to search for parasites. It can also chase flying insects, which it does on foot, abruptly changing direction and taking flying leaps after its prey. It often mixes with white-crowned starlings, red-billed hornbills, red-billed buffalo weavers, and superb starlings while foraging. When hunting in the trees, it is capable of walking atop horizontal branches and jumping upwards towards the crown, then descending in a glide from the crown to the ground.

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It eats primarily invertebrates and specifically insects, including termites. Larvae and pupae, especially of Coeloptera moths, are eaten as well as the adults.

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Mating Habits

The Stresemann's bushcrow nests either alone or in a small, loosely connected colony of three to five nests. It is monogamous and may form a lifelong pair bond. The bushcrow occasionally has a third bird, or in rare cases two to four more, help the breeding couple both build the nest and care for the young. The helpers may also not be restricted to helping one nest at a time, as they have been seen at nests across the loose colonies. Allofeeding and allopreening, where the birds feed or preen each other, takes place both between the pair and with the other bushcrows in the colony. The bushcrow lays its eggs shortly after the first rains, which normally occur in late February and early March, leading to its eggs being laid in late March and early April.

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The nest is an untidy globular structure, on which the roof tapers to a point that has an opening into the interior chamber. The nest is 60 centimeters (24 in) in diameter while the interior chamber is 30 centimeters (12 in) across. To start constructing the nest, a single twig is inserted into the top of an acacia tree 5 to 6 meters (16 to 20 ft) above the ground. This leads to the paired bushcrows becoming excited, engorging their blue facial skin. Almost ritualistically the pair then pick the acacia's leaves and twigs, dropping them to the ground. The pair end this display by chasing each other through the trees before continuing construction. The nest is made out of thorny twigs while the interior chamber is lined with dry grass and dried cattle dung. Damp soil is used to keep the initial twigs connected. Old nests are repaired and reused.

Up to six eggs are laid in the nest. The bushcrow's eggs are cream-colored with pale lilac blotches that concentrate into a ring at the wider end.

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Changes in the grazing habits of Ethiopia's indigenous peoples following the recent trend of settling in permanent villages have negatively impacted the Stresemann's bushcrow. While previously grazers left the soil loose and covered in dung to support the bushcrow's prey, this new lifestyle has resulted in overgrazing and soil compaction in some areas. The idea of private land ownership has also led to intensive planting of cash crops such as maize. The rich soil that the species needs to forage is also prime farming land. In the Yabello Wildlife Sanctuary, acacia trees are being collected for firewood, removing the bushcrow's nesting site. While protected under law, this sanctuary has difficulties enforcing the law. It is believed that between 1999 and 2003 the population of the bushcrow declined by 80%.

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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists the Stresemann's bushcrow as endangered because of its very restricted range and loss of suitable habitat. The population seems to be declining rapidly and in 2007 it was estimated that there might be fewer than 10,000 birds remaining.

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1. Stresemann's bushcrow Wikipedia article -'s_bushcrow
2. Stresemann's bushcrow on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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