White-throated mountaingem

White-throated mountaingem

White-throated mountain-gem

Lampornis castaneoventris

The white-throated mountaingem or white-throated mountain-gem (Lampornis castaneoventris ) is a species of hummingbird in tribe Lampornithini of subfamily Trochilinae. It is endemic to Panama.


The grey-tailed mountaingem is about 12 cm (4.7 in) long and weighs about 5 to 6 g (0.18 to 0.21 oz). It has a medium-length straight black bill, dark cheeks, and a white stripe behind the eye. Males have mostly dark bronzy green upperparts with an emerald green crown and a black to bluish black tail. Their chin and throat are white, the sides of the neck and upper breast bright green, and the lower breast and vent area dark gray. Females have entirely bright green upperparts. Their central tail feathers are dark metallic to bronze green and the outer ones paler. Their throat and belly are dark rufous and the undertail coverts are gray with white or buff edges.



Biogeographical realms

The white-throated mountaingem is found only in the mountains of western Panama's Chiriquí Province. It inhabits the interior, edges, and shrubby clearings of oak forest and also gardens in communities near the forest. In elevation it ranges from 1,500 m (4,900 ft) up to timberline.

Habits and Lifestyle

The white-throated mountaingem is a year-round resident.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

The white-throated mountaingem feeds on nectar from a variety of flowering plants. Males typically feed at epiphytes in the forest interior while females more often feed in shrubby areas. Males are territorial, defending flower patches. They are dominant over smaller hummingbirds and subordinate to larger ones like the fiery-throated hummingbird (Panterpe insignis ). The species also feeds on small arthropods gleaned from foliage.

Mating Habits

The white-throated mountaingem's breeding season spans from October to April. Its nest is a cup of fine fibers with moss and some lichen on the outside. The incubation length and time to fledging are not known.


Population number

The IUCN has assessed the white-throated mountaingem as being of Least Concern, though it has a small range and its population size and trend are unknown. It is considered common. However, "this hummingbird is potentially threatened by human activities" such as deforestation for timber and agriculture.


1. White-throated mountaingem Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-throated_mountaingem
2. White-throated mountaingem on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22725795/94902462

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