Davy's naked-backed bat

Davy's naked-backed bat

Davy's (lesser) naked-backed bat

Pteronotus davyi
g oz 
mm inch 

Davy's (lesser) naked-backed bat (species Pteronotus davyi ) is a small, insect-eating, cave-dwelling bat of the Order Chiroptera and Family Mormoopidae. It is found throughout South and Central America, including Trinidad, but not Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, or French Guiana. Specimens of this bat had been found infected with rabies in Trinidad during the height of that's island's vampire-bat transmitted rabies epidemic of the early half of the 20th century, but not in recent times.

Climate zones

Davy's naked-backed bat habitat map
Davy's naked-backed bat
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Habits and Lifestyle

Due to their high wing-aspect ratio, these bats can fly at quick burst speeds for long distances, although their long wingspan inhibits them from having great agility. These bats are also sufficient climbers. It is believed that they climb high to the top of their roost in order to quickly fly away from the entrance and avoid any nearby predators in waiting. During nighttime foraging for insects, flight usually occurs near the ground.

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pan inhibits them from having great agility. These bats are also sufficient climbers. It is believed that they climb high to the top of their roost in order to quickly fly away from the entrance and avoid any nearby predators in waiting. During nighttime foraging for insects, flight usually occurs near the ground.

These bats are found most commonly in moist habitats that sustain a high volume of insects. Nighttime roosts of these animals are most commonly found in warm, dark, moist caves. P. davyi are found as far north as Mexico and as far south as South America and Honduras. They typically prefer low elevations, but some individuals have been observed at elevations as high as 2,000 meters above sea level. There has been no recorded observance of this species in Guyana, Suriname, or French Guiana. Studies of this species have revealed genetic divergence between the Southeastern P. davyi population, and the Pacific and Gulf Coast populations. This is believed to be a result of geographical barriers that separate these populations. These geographical barriers are Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, and Sierra Madre del Sur.

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Seasonal behavior

Mating Habits

60 days
1 to 1

Pteronotus davyi are known to be seasonally monogamous, and usually mate in the months of January and February. These bats have one offspring per mating season. The birth of the offspring occurs during the rainy season. The rainy season provides a surge in the insect population, which proves to be important for these insectivorous bats, allowing the young to mature at a fast rate.


1. Davy's naked-backed bat Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy's_naked-backed_bat
2. Davy's naked-backed bat on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/18705/22077399

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