Cervus canadensis
Population size
2 Mlnlnn
Life Span
8-20 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
kg lbs 
m ft 
m ft 

The elk (Cervus canadensis) is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cervidae, and one of the largest terrestrial mammals in its native range. The common name elk, used in North America, creates confusion because the larger Alces alces, which is called moose in North America, is also called elk in British English, and related names in other European languages (German Elch, Swedish älg, and French élan ). The name "wapiti" is sometimes used in North America for Cervus canadensis. It originates from the Shawnee and Cree word waapiti, meaning 'white rump'.


The elk is a large deer with a short tail and a prominent buff-colored patch on its rump. Males have extremely large antlers, which usually start growing in the spring, being shed in the winter, while females have no antlers. Also, some individuals may grow thin mane on their necks. By the winter, the coat of elks becomes thicker, in order to protect them from the cold. Their winter coat consists of long, waterproof hairs, which cover the thick, wooly underfur of this animal. Newborn elk calves are spotted, losing their spots at the end of summer. The color of their fur depends on their habitat and the season of the year. Thus, during the summer, their fur is a reddish hue while by the winter their coat becomes light grey in color.




The area of their distribution includes North America (the United States and Canada) and eastern Asia (Bhutan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Russian Federation). The major habitat of the elk is forest, forest edge, and alpine meadows. Elk found in mountainous areas, usually live at high elevations in summer and migrate down the slope by winter. However, these animals are very adaptable, due to which they can also be found in semi-deserts of North America.

Elk habitat map

Climate zones

Elk habitat map
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Habits and Lifestyle

Elk are social animals, gathering in summer herds that contain up to 400 individuals. The herds are matriarchal social unit, led by a single cow. Female herds are larger while males form small groups and may even travel alone. Young males may associate with older males or female groups. Male and female herds come together during the mating season. Elk graze and browse in the mornings and evenings. By day and in the middle of the night, they are inactive, spending most of their time chewing their cud. Elk are also excellent swimmers. Males have a loud, high-pitched, whistle-like vocalization known as bugling, which advertises the male's fitness over great distances. Females produce an alarm bark to alert other members of the herd to danger, while calves will produce a high-pitched scream when attacked. When agitated, elk will flare their nostrils, lift their head, lay their ears back, and will even punch with their front hooves.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Elk are herbivores (folivores, graminivores, lignivores) and their diets vary with the season. In winter, they consume mainly tree bark, forbs, and tree sprouts during the summer, and native grasses are eaten year-round. Elk consume an average of 9.1 kilograms (20 lb) of vegetation daily.

Mating Habits

240-262 days
1 calf
2 months
buck, stag
calf, fawn

Elk have a polygynous mating system. From late September to early October, males lose the velvet on their antlers and start competing with each other for mating rights. However, dominant males, having large harems, usually limit access to the females of their harems. The period of gestation lasts about 240-262 days, yielding a single (rarely two) calf. Before giving birth, the female isolates herself from the herd. And even after giving birth, she keeps living in isolation, protecting her young, until the calf is able to escape predators independently. About 20 minutes after birth, the newborn calf is able to stand. By the age of 2 weeks, the young join the herd, being fully weaned after 2 months. Elk become reproductively mature at 16 months of age.


Population threats

One of the serious threats to this species is excessive hunting. Elk attract hunters for their meat as well as their fur, antlers, teeth, and hides. For this reason, hunting of these animals is currently restricted, and they are farmed in some Western states.

Population number

According to IUCN Red List, elk are abundant and widespread throughout their range. The total number of their population, including both those in the wild and on farms, is around 2 million individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List, and its numbers today are increasing.

Ecological niche

Feeding upon plant species, elk greatly contribute to structuring plant communities. In addition, during particular periods of the year, elk become the main prey species for Brown bears and other large predators.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Closer to the summer, elk can be seen rubbing against trees in order to get rid of excess hair on their bodies.
  • During the heat, elk keep close to water bodies, lying or wading through rivers, lakes, streams, or ponds, in order to cool off and escape from biting insects.
  • Their antlers are made of bone, sometimes growing at a rate of as much as 2.5 cm (1 inch) per day.
  • The elk can cool off due to its blood, pumping through the veins in its antler velvet and thus cooling, before it returns to the heart.
  • In Asia, male elk are referred to as "stags" while females are known as "hinds". In North America, though, males of this species are called "bulls" and females are called "cows".
  • Canine teeth (ivories) of elk are considered by scientists to be rudimentary tusks.
  • In order to attract the attention of females, males engage in fights with each other, using their antlers. As a general rule, bulls with the most widespread antlers are the most attractive ones for females.
  • When threatened, these animals communicate with each other through various signals such as hissing, curling back the upper lip, and grinding their teeth.

Coloring Pages


1. Elk Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elk
2. Elk on The IUCN Red List site - http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/55997823/0

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