Lethrinus lentjan

Lethrinus lentjan

Pink ear emperor, Redspot emperor, Purple ear emperor, Purple-headed emperor

Lethrinus lentjan
Life Span
19 years
cm inch 

Lethrinus lentjan, the pink ear emperor, redspot emperor, purple ear emperor or purple-headed emperor, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Lethrinidae, the emperors and emperor breams. This fish is found in the Indo-Pacific region.

Animal name origin

Lethrinus lentjan has the specific name lentjan, this name was not explained by Lacépède but is thought to be a local name for this fish in Indonesia.


This is a large species, growing to approximately 50 cm in length. however specimens in the intertidal zone may be around 15 cm. The body is olive-green, becoming paler toward the belly.

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The scales are large and in a diamond pattern. There is a blood-red colouration around the margin of gill covers, and often at the base of the pectoral fins as well. The dorsal fin is white has a reddish margin. Both the caudal and dorsal fins have orange mottling. The pectoral fin may be pale orange, whitish or yellowish. It has thick, fleshy lips, and a somewhat protractiile snout.

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Lethrinus lentjan is widespread in the Indo-West Pacific and other waters. It is known to live in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef, and the northern half of Australia., in the lagoon around New Caledonia, along the east coast of Africa, and in the waters of Taiwan.

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Lethrinus lentjan lives mainly in coastal areas. It occurs in coral reefs and also inhabits areas with sandy bottoms and grassy seabeds, in mangrove swamps, and deep lagoons. Juveniles are more commonly associated with shallow areas, often in loose aggregations with adult specimens. Adults are usually solitary and may be found in waters up to 84 metres in depth.

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Habits and Lifestyle

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Lethrinus lentjan is a carnivore and eats mostly crustaceans and mollusks such as snails. It also feeds on echinoderms, polychaetes, bivalves, worms, and various fishes.


1. Lethrinus lentjan Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethrinus_lentjan
2. Lethrinus lentjan on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/16720036/16722340

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