Cherax tenuimanus

Cherax tenuimanus

Hairy marron, Margaret river marron

Cherax tenuimanus

Cherax tenuimanus, known as the Hairy marron or Margaret River marron, is one of two species of crayfish in Southwestern Australia known as marron. It occupies a narrow range within the southwestern biogeographical region of Margaret River. It is currently listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List, because of the threat from the yabbie, Cherax albidus, which was introduced to its habitat.

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Recent studies have shown that adding mannanoligosaccharide (Bio-Mos) to the diet of Cherax tenuimanus can increase their immunity and rate of survival.

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The hairy marron ranges in colour from olive green to brown to black, with females sometimes having red or purple patches on their undersides. Adult hairy marrons grow to between 300 and 400 mm with a body consisting of a head and thorax that are protected by a carapace. The body eventually extends into an abdomen that ends in a muscular tail, and the body is bracketed by 5 pairs of legs including two pairs of pinchers; a larger pair for capturing prey and defense and a second, smaller pair for fine manipulation of food. The hairy marron can be differentiated from the smooth marron by the hairy bristles that are known to sometimes cover its carapace and other body parts, although these bristles can be difficult to observe in juveniles.



The hairy marron lives in exclusively freshwater habitats, specifically in clear, oxygen-rich water in the Margaret River in Southwestern Australia. Its range has become limited to 3 major pools in the upper portion of the river due to competition with the smooth marron. Exact environmental parameters needed for the survival of the hairy marron are unknown due to the low number of individuals in natural settings. However, studies performed in aquaculture settings have shown that hairy marron survive best in water that is about 25 degrees Celsius and that with a salinity of at least 100 mg/L. They also prefer habitats with debris or other structures they can use as shelter or as food sources if the material is organic.

Habits and Lifestyle


Diet and Nutrition

The hairy marron is an omnivore whose diet mainly consists of small invertebrates, fish eggs and larvae, and algae. It is also a cannibal that will potentially eat its own young.

Mating Habits

Hairy marrons begin to mate when they reach sexual maturity during the second and third years of their lives, with their mating season occurring between July and October. During reproduction, the females typically incubate 200-400 eggs inside of them for almost 6 months, although larger females have been known to produce up to 800 eggs. The female then lays the eggs on her swimmerets, and reproduction takes place when a male passes a sperm packet to the female, which the female then uses to fertilize the eggs in a process nearly identical to that used by the smooth marron. The eggs are then held under the female's tail for several weeks, hatching at or just after the end of the mating season, and the juveniles remain on the mother's swimmerets until they have finished consuming their yolk sacs and are mature enough to feed on their own, which is usually by November or December. The smooth marron is known to follow a similar reproductive pattern, but there is some evidence that their breeding season occurs earlier in the year than that of the hairy marron. This difference in timing is theorized to result in the juvenile smooth marron reaching larger sizes before juvenile hairy marron, granting the smooth marron a competitive advantage.


1. Cherax tenuimanus Wikipedia article -
2. Cherax tenuimanus on The IUCN Red List site -

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