Chromis cyanea
Chromis cyanea

Chromis cyanea (blue chromis) is a damselfish in the subfamily Pomacentrinae, found in Bermuda, southern Florida and the Caribbean Sea.

It is collected for the aquarium trade.

Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

It's a rather solitary species, seen alone or in small groups, and tends to stay close to the reefs.

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The younger fish stay near the bottom in order to avoid predators.

The males maintain a solitary breeding territory. After breeding with multiple females, they guard the eggs until the planktonic larvae hatch.

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Seasonal behavior

Mating Habits



Population threats

Besides the intense aquarium trade, the rapid expansion of lionfish in the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast, is the greatest threat to the blue chromis, as well as several other tropical fish native to the Caribbean.

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Furthermore, the loss of live corals could have a definite impact on the species, though this has yet to be investigated more closely.

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Population number

The blue chromis is assessed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN.

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Despite appearing only within an area of 2,500,000 km2, it is considered abundant within that area, without any known continuous decline in range or population numbers.

It's collected for the aquarium trade, but not in great numbers. Despite this, a deeper study is required, to measure the impact of the decline in habitat quality in the Caribbean has on the species.

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1. Chromis cyanea Wikipedia article -
2. Chromis cyanea on The IUCN Red List site -

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