Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat
Macrotus waterhousii

Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat (Macrotus waterhousii ) is a species of big-eared bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in the Cayman Islands, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, and Mexico, with a range from Sonora to Hidalgo Mexico, south to Guatemala and the Greater Antilles (excluding Puerto Rico and the Bahamas).

Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat habitat map
Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat
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Habits and Lifestyle

This species roosts primarily in caves, but also in mines and buildings. The species is insectivorous, primarily consuming insects of the order Lepidoptera and Orthoptera.

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M. waterhousii does not require complete darkness in its roosting place, and can often be found near the entrance of a cave (with in 10–30 meters), or even partially lit buildings. It is possible to find this species in groups, but not as common as other bats; they are almost never in direct contact with one another. They typically leave their roost about 30 minutes after sundown.

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Seasonal behavior


1. Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterhouse's_leaf-nosed_bat
2. Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/12653/22032004

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