White-crowned parrot

White-crowned parrot

White-crowned pionus

Pionus senilis

The white-crowned parrot (Pionus senilis ), also known as the white-crowned pionus in aviculture, is a small parrot which is a resident breeding species from eastern Mexico to western Panama.

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It is found in lowlands and foothills locally up to 1600 m altitude in forest canopy and edges, and adjacent semi-open woodland and second growth. The 3-6 white eggs are laid in an unlined nest, usually a natural cavity in a tree or a hollow palm stub.

The white-crowned parrot is 24 cm long and weighs 220 g. The adult male has a white forehead and crown, the feature which, likened to an old man's white hair, gave rise to the specific name senilis. The throat is white, and the rest of the head, neck and breast are dull dark blue. The belly is light green, and the upperparts are dark green, with a yellow-olive shoulder patch. In flight, the blue underwings and red vent are conspicuous features. The female white-crowned parrot is similar to the male, but the blue plumage fades into scaling on the lower breast and the shoulder patch is duller. Young birds have little blue on the head and neck or red on the undertail, and the crown feathers are green edged with white. The extent of the area of white on the head gives no indication of gender, as there can be considerable variance in individuals.

The white-crowned parrot feeds in social flocks of 30-50 birds, which may wander outside the breeding range once nesting has finished. It feeds on taking various seeds, nuts and fruits, and can be pest in crops of corn or sorghum, and commercial fruit plantations. It can be unobtrusive when feeding since it is slow-moving, usually silent, and keeps in the canopy. However, at rest it often perches conspicuously at the top of an unopened palm frond.

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The white-crowned parrot is a medium sized parrot of about 24cm in length. It has a broad body and short tail with a dark brown iris and brownish-pink eye ring. The bill is yellowish with a slight green coloration. Its forehead, crown and lores are pure white with white patch on chin, and center of throat. The belly is mainly green; the basal colors of feathers on breast are green with dark blue and purplish-blue tips, and light blue at subterminal band. This scaly effect is also apparent in the feathers on cheeks and hindneck that are basally green with light bluish-green and purplish-blue at subterminal band. The mantle and back is soft and shiny in a reddish brown color with green scapulars that are reddish and yellowish-brown on tips and outerwebs. They have violet blue primary coverts and green greater coverts; the lesser and median coverts are reddish-brown with paler tips which gives the wing a spotty appearance. The rump and upper tail coverts are brighter green with red undertail coverts. The upper wing is covered in brown patches and pale bluish-green in underwing. The physical attributes in both sexes are similar. The juvenile has head, hindneck, and breast covered in green, with light yellowish cheeks and crown. The white-crowned parrot is widely sympatric across Mexico and western Panama. Some of the similar species includes the brown-hooded parrot (Pyrillia haematotis ); it has a brown head and white lores, but no white crown, nor red undertail coverts. Its body is mainly green with visible red axillaries during flight, rapid wingbeats, and a high-pitched voice. Another species, the blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus ) is mainly green with a bright blue head and neck, red undertail coverts, and yellowish wing coverts. The white-crowned parrot has a fast wingbeat and climbs onto branches whilst feeding. They are often in pairs or small flocks except breeding seasons. They are very cautious and will fly away while screeching loudly when approached. Their harsh voice will screech like kreeek-kreeek or kree-ah-kee-ah during flight but can become unnoticeable and silent in tree canopy.

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Physical enrichment involves cage furniture, toys, and external home environment. Cage furniture such as food and water dishes can influence the bird’s appetite depending on the color, size, shape, and location of the dishes. Preferred foods may be placed in less desired location such as the cage floor while novel foods can be placed near favored perches to increase acceptance. Another main component of cage furniture is perch which varies in sizes and materials. Perches that provide traction with a desirable degree of roughness for feet to keep claws from overgrowing and allow beak cleaning and shaping are ideal for juvenile birds. Sand-based manzanita is a popular material since it is difficult to destroy while providing a pleasant texture for chewing. Perches should be of varying diameter to provide exercise for their feet and legs. Natural nontoxic branches and fruit trees that have not been sprayed with pesticides are a safe choice. Other materials such as twisted cotton wood is also popular. The types of toys vary in size, material, and suitability to provide independent play for juvenile birds which may be grouped into categories of chewing, climbing, foot, and puzzles. It also provides an alternative outlet for birds to deflect aggression.  Although toys should be readily provided for optimal physical enrichment, it may be visually overwhelming and can limit space for exercise if the cage is crowded with toys. The placement of cage often has an impact to the psychological comfort of the bird. A solid wall on at least one side of the cage to allow hiding is ideal for timid and sensitive juvenile birds. Wooden or carboard boxes can be provided in the cage as hiding places for additional security. In contrast, birds that are confident and highly social may prefer to be in the center of activity at home. Caution should be exercised in avoiding view of predators such as hawks or dogs when the cage is placed near windows.

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White-crowned parrot habitat map
White-crowned parrot
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Habits and Lifestyle

Pionus parrot is the earliest known captive bird, and has become a popular companion bird due to their ideal size and temperament. Most parrots, however, retain the behavior in the wild and their ability to adapt as a pet bird varies considerably. A range of behavioral problems may arise as a consequence of poor adaptive ability, and bird keepers can assist their birds living conditions through deepen understanding of the species behavior and habits.


Social enrichment involves direct or indirect contact with humans such as visual or auditory interactions. Since parrots communicate in a rich and subtle way, it is important to understand their common communication signals to maintain a healthy interaction between the parrot and humans. Some common aggressive warnings seen from parrots are turning to opponent with head and neck extended, pecking at opponent without contact, wing flapping, wing flapping, bill gape, rapid sideways approach, and raised nape feathers and growling. In contrast, affiliative behaviors include allopreening, allofeeding, spending time in proximity, reproductive behaviors, blinking mimicry, and unilateral stretching of wing and ipsilateral leg. Other submissive behaviors include crouching, fluffed feathers, head wagging, foot lifting and avoidance. Some behaviors can be similar, for instance, beak grinding or grating is exhibited when content which should not be confused with the short sharp sound of beak clicking that is expressed as a threat. Observation of these communication behaviors help reinforce the human-parrot bond and shape undesired behaviors. The parrot should feel confident, playful, and adaptable rather than fearful of interactions. By raising the height of the enclosure and making eye contact at side-long glances, it can increase the sense of security for a timid bird. Positive reinforcement training is another source of social enrichment that builds upon the mutual relationship and bond. For example, it can be used to teach the parrot to stay clam and comfortable when the owner approach its cage, open the door, reach inside, feed by hand, touch its wings, beak and feet, and other commands including step up, step down, and stay. Consistent positive reinforcement throughout the parrot’s life will facilitates learning and develop the skills needed to live comfortably with humans.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition



1. White-crowned parrot Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-crowned_parrot
2. White-crowned parrot on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22686192/93101704
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/375514

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