Wood Mouse

Wood Mouse

Long-tailed field mouse, Field mouse, Common field mouse, European wood mouse

Apodemus sylvaticus
Population size
Life Span
1-4 years
g oz 
mm inch 

The Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) is a murid rodent native to Europe and northwestern Africa. It is found across most of Europe and is a very common and widespread species, is commensal with people, and is sometimes considered a pest. The Wood mouse is otherwise known as the Long-tailed field mouse due to its long tail that is approximately the same size as the total length of the head and body.


The Wood mouse is quite similar to the Yellow-necked mouse, although differs from the latter by the absence of a yellow collar, resembling a bib on the animal's chest. The overall coloration of its fur is reddish-brown. The belly of the animal is either white or greyish.




The Wood mouse has a rather large area of distribution, stretching from Britain and nearby islands to continental Europe (except for northern Scandinavia and Finland) through northwestern Africa and southwestern Asia to the Altai and Himalayan mountains. This rodent is capable of living in any environment with suitable sheltering sites, but will generally prefer grassy fields, cultivated areas, woodlands, and forests.

Wood Mouse habitat map

Climate zones

Wood Mouse habitat map

Habits and Lifestyle

Wood mice are normally nocturnal, except for lactating females that may have short periods of activity during the daytime hours. In addition, some males may also be active by day. Instead of hibernating, these rodents gather in communal nests during the cold winter months. By spring, females move to their own territories to nest solitarily. There have been known cases of two females within a single territory. Dwellings of these rodents are underground burrows, typically located under the roots of shrubs or trees, in tree holes, buildings as well as in nest boxes of birds and dormice. Each burrow has nest chambers and food stores. These burrows are often used by following generations and may sometimes be enlarged or modified if necessary. Wood mice are excellent climbers. They are known to use abandoned bird nests, located high in trees and provide them with secluded places, where they can enjoy berries and other type of food that they have cached. They rarely move and usually live in the same area. Wood mice are known to take night trips of a quarter of a mile (400m).

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Wood mice are omnivores. They generally feed upon roots, grains, seeds, berries, nuts, grasses, grain kernels and fruits, supplementing this diet with occasional insects and snails.

Mating Habits

21-26 days
4-7 pups
3 weeks
pup, pinkie, kit

Wood mice have a polygynous mating system. They breed between February and October. During this period, individuals compete for their mating rights. Female wood mice can produce up to 4 litters per year. The gestation period lasts 21-26 days, yielding 4-7 young, which are born in a nest chamber in their mother's burrow that is lined with a soft underlay of leaves, moss, and grass. The eyes of newborn babies are closed, opening at 6 days old, by which time they have attained their fur, which is darker than that of mature individuals. At 3 weeks old, the young are driven out of the nest by their mother, after which they begin living independently. Within 2 months, young Wood mice become reproductively mature.


Population threats

Although classified as Least Concern, Wood mice suffer from hedgerows and loss of their woodland habitat. They are also potentially threatened by agricultural modifications in the form of chemicals, which can be a serious concern both directly and through food contamination.

Population number

The Wood mouse is abundant and widespread throughout its range but there are no estimates of population numbers for this species. However, according to the British Wildlife Center resource, this species’ population number in Great Britain is around 38 million individuals. Overall, Wood mice’s numbers remain stable today, and the animals are currently classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List.

Ecological niche

The Wood mouse is an important seed disperser in its range and is the major prey species for local predators (owls, foxes, cats).

Fun Facts for Kids

  • When looking for food, Wood mice often collect and disperse leaves, twigs, and other visually conspicuous objects that serve as landmarks as they explore the area.
  • When caught by the tail, the Wood mouse sometimes sheds the end of its tail to flee. However, the shed part of the tail often doesn't regrow.
  • Grooming is an important part of their lives. Wood mice spend a great part of their active time grooming, during which they wipe their face and ears with their front paws. They clean their tails by passing them through their mouths. Mutual grooming is a common activity between males and females.
  • Wood mice closely resemble Pygmy field mice by their habits and appearance. These two species often live in the same habitat and are truly called "twin" species. However, these animals are separate species that don't interbreed.
  • Despite its small size and a very tiny stomach, the Wood mouse has a big appetite, eating as often as 15-20 times per day. This is the reason why mice tend to live near food sources.
  • Wood mice are capable of squeezing through spaces as small as the size of a dime. For example, a tiny space between the wall and a utility pipe on the outside of a wall is enough for this rodent to enter your house.

Coloring Pages


1. Wood Mouse Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_mouse
2. Wood Mouse on The IUCN Red List site - http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/1904/0

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