Map puffer

Map puffer

Map pufferfish, Scribbled pufferfish, Kesho-fugu

Arothron mappa
cm inch 

The map puffer (Arothron mappa), also known as the map pufferfish, scribbled pufferfish, or Kesho-fugu, is a demersal marine fish belonging to the family Tetraodontidae. The map puffer is typically found in tropical and subtropical waters from the Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean. This fish contains tetrodotoxin, a potent and deadly chemical compound used to ward off predators. Despite being highly poisonous, the map puffer can be found both in the aquarium trade and certain food markets.


Arothron mappa is a medium-sized fish which grows up to 65 cm length. Its body is oval shape, spherical yet relatively elongated. The skin is not covered with scales, rather, the majority of the map puffer’s body is covered with small dermal spines with the exception of areas around the mouth, pectoral fin base, and caudal fin base.

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The fish has no pelvic fin and no lateral line. The dorsal fin and the anal fin are small, symmetric and located at the end of the body. Its snout is short with two pairs of nostrils and its mouth contains four strong teeth which have fused into an edged beak. These teeth continue to grow throughout A. mappa's entire life, and must be constantly dulled by consuming hard-shelled prey.

The background coloration is whitish with dense network of black, brown or greenish broken lines, with an irradiant line departure from the eye. Depending on specimen, some dark or yellowish blotches can occur around the mouth, the symmetrical anus, on the fins or anywhere on the body.

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Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

This pufferfish is diurnal and exhibits solitary behavior.


Diet and Nutrition

Arothron mappa feeds on benthic invertebrates, crustaceans, sponges and algaes.

Mating Habits

Courting begins when an A. mappa male constructs a large flattened circle in a substrate by using its fins to dig and stir up sand particles. The male will then dig geometric valleys and ridges within the circle to create a complex and geometric maze-like pattern. This acts as both a mating display to attract females and a nesting site for eggs to be laid. When a female A. mappa approaches a nest, the male will swim around and stir the sand to draw the female's attention. If the courtship ritual is successful, the female will enter the nest and release her eggs, which the male then fertilizes. Fertilized eggs will remain and develop within the nest until they hatch into a planktonic larval stage.



1. Map puffer Wikipedia article -
2. Map puffer on The IUCN Red List site -

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