Sooty barbthroat
Threnetes niger

The sooty barbthroat (Threnetes niger ) is a hummingbird species in the family Trochilidae. It is found in Brazil and French Guiana.


The sooty barbthroat is 10 to 12 cm (3.9 to 4.7 in) long. The adult male has iridescent bronze-green upperparts and breast, a black ear patch and throat, and a pale malar stripe. The tail of the nominate subspecies is uniformly dark; that of T. n. loehkeni has pale tips to the feathers. The belly is dark brownish gray. It has a nearly straight bill. As with other hermit hummingbirds, the sexes are similar; the female's bill is somewhat more decurved than the male's and the plumage has less contrast among the throat, breast, and belly. Young birds resemble the adult but have ochraceous feather edges.



The nominate T. n. niger is found in French Guiana and the northern part of Brazil's Amapá state. T. n. loehkeni is found south of the nominate in Amapá and Pará states north of the Amazon. It inhabits open and semi-open spaces within humid lowland and higher tropical forest, and other landscapes such as gallery forest, swamp forests, secondary forest, and plantations. In French Guiana it is found from sea level to 500 m (1,600 ft) of elevation.

Sooty barbthroat habitat map
Sooty barbthroat habitat map
Sooty barbthroat
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Habits and Lifestyle

The sooty barbthroat is presumed to be a year-round resident throughout its range.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Little is known about the sooty barbthroat's foraging technique and diet, though it is assumed to be a "trap-line" feeder like other hermit hummingbirds, visiting a circuit of flowering plants. It feeds on nectar at Heliconia and Monotagma plants, and probably several other tubular flowers and also on small arthropods.

Mating Habits

Nothing is known about the sooty barbthroat's breeding phenology.


Population number

The IUCN has assessed the sooty barbthroat as being of Least Concern, though its population size and trend are unknown. It is "ocal and generally uncommon throughout comparatively small range".


1. Sooty barbthroat Wikipedia article -
2. Sooty barbthroat on The IUCN Red List site -

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